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Is This A Great Idea Or The Advent Of Failcopter? - Printable Version

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Is This A Great Idea Or The Advent Of Failcopter? - NOS2Go4Me - 05-01-2009

I'm split. I'm all for the arrest of criminals, especially drug-producing ones (and it's kinda ironic that this came about in the Netherlands first!), but there's still the basic element of the invasion of your privacy. What's next? Cordite sniffing and cross-checking gun registries for illegal guns? The opposite of that idea for sniffing out guns when flying over suspected hideouts is great.

Hello Skynet? Sentinels? Is that you? :unsure: :ph34r:

Is This A Great Idea Or The Advent Of Failcopter? - ZX3_2NV - 05-01-2009

I think Its a good idea Like the article says there ot doing anything wrong just taking air samples.

Is This A Great Idea Or The Advent Of Failcopter? - darkpuppet - 05-01-2009

As long as they don't come by after Indian Food night, I'm fine.