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Mbrp Installed - Printable Version

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Mbrp Installed - Chromey - 03-13-2005

Ok I just have to say MBRP, What a great Job.

This is super clean, Looks great.

The Exhaust fit together Perfect.

Sound...hmm Its sounds dam great.. Sounds like the car has power.

It took 4 washers to striaghten the rear tip, Very easy fix.

You cant go wrong buying this system.

I love the new sound :D

Mbrp Installed - paolo - 03-13-2005

congratz, yeah the MBRP is schweet

Mbrp Installed - S2 - 03-13-2005

Gotta love MBRP!! I love mine.... :)

Mbrp Installed - smith21 - 03-14-2005

hey chromey, got any pics of the finished product ?

Mbrp Installed - ZX3TUNR - 03-14-2005

thats awsome news.

glad you like it. now you need a header :P

Mbrp Installed - Chromey - 03-15-2005

I would have to say this... If you add a header Expect every Cop in 5 mile range to hear you...

The Exhaust isent Quite, But it isent loud enough to draw to much Attention.

A SVT header set up might be in the works.

More Power :) Need More Power.

Mbrp Installed - NOS2Go4Me - 03-16-2005

*cries, pounds desk*

2 more weeks... the wait is friggin killing me!

Congrats man! :D