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Should We Move The Off Topic Forum To The Bottom O - Printable Version

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Should We Move The Off Topic Forum To The Bottom O - Flofocus - 03-01-2005

I say its a good idea, lets the noobies get access to the info their searching for and not drunken conversation, picture of pitbulls, and fuktard comments.

FYI, I dont care about any of the above.



Like somebody said...

"I'm always joking"

Should We Move The Off Topic Forum To The Bottom O - NOS2Go4Me - 03-01-2005

Seriously... yes. Let's get the Focus back in FocusCanada.

Really, there are a number of drivers out there right now who must think that stands for

Should We Move The Off Topic Forum To The Bottom O - scoobasteve - 03-01-2005

meh, i really dont care either way... move it to the bottom. but there really isnt much focus stuff that goes on here anymore

Should We Move The Off Topic Forum To The Bottom O - ZX5focused - 03-01-2005

move it, i understand why but in all honestly is it really gonna make that big of a difference?? browser/newbs/info seekers are still gonna find it. people should take it at face value as an "off topic" forum and anyhting should go as long as it is not extremely offensive to someone.

my $.02, but some people still see me as a noob

Should We Move The Off Topic Forum To The Bottom O - Raine - 03-01-2005

**looks at search button** And hey! Delete that button while you're at it! What's the point? Keep all the Focus related threads at the top and there ya go!