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Cell Phone! - Raine - 02-05-2005

Well I can't find my cell phone... which means ALL my numbers are gone... which is just wonderful! :angry: Anyways... even if I do find it, I've wanted a new one for a while... so I wtb any of the following with preference in order:

Motorola V400 (unlocked would be nice)
Motorola V500 (unlocked if possible)
Motorola V551
Motorola V600
Samsung e316
Motorola V300

I like the v400 more than the v600, but if they were the same price I'd go for the v600... either way, I can't spend too much money... if you guys know of anyone selling or of any phones for sale with comparable quality/features, please let me know. . Thanks :)

Cell Phone! - 01-yellow-ZX3 - 02-05-2005

Talk to Paolo of course.

Cell Phone! - Raine - 02-05-2005

lol of course. But I wanted to see if anyone else happened to be selling one or knew of a place that sells em... even the ones that fell off the truck..

Cell Phone! - paolo - 02-05-2005

Raine, I can get you a V400 that fell off the back of a truck.
it may take a few days, since our shipment hasn't arrived yet.. but can definately get u one. Unlocked of course.. Also, I can get u a Rogers SIM if you need, oh wait, you work for them too.

Cell Phone! - Raine - 02-05-2005

Paul, there's a reason I don't hesitate to call you a friend. You're right, I'm okay for the SIM, so don't worry about that, but email me with the details of the v400 whenever you get the chance, if you could please. Thanks!

Cell Phone! - meford4u - 02-05-2005




Cell Phone! - Raine - 02-06-2005

You'll always be number three of that list to me meford

Cell Phone! - paolo - 02-10-2005

Raine, Motorola is still out of stock on the V400 series phones. It's been 1 and a half weeks now... I have to wait 2 more days to find out if they come in.

Cell Phone! - meford4u - 02-10-2005

Raine,Feb 5 2005, 10:49 PM Wrote:You'll always be number three of that list to me meford


Cell Phone! - paolo - 02-25-2005

AL, I have your V400 Owners Manual (Idiot's Guide)

Cell Phone! - Raine - 02-27-2005

paolo,Feb 24 2005, 10:27 PM Wrote:AL, I have your V400 Owners Manual (Idiot's Guide)

Cool bro. And the box? When can we meet up so you can change the housing for me? Shoot me an email, or give me a call. I've got monday/tuesday off so I can meet you any time :)

Cell Phone! - paolo - 02-28-2005

ya raine, of course, I have an origianl motorola V400 box and manual, just dont worry about the iemi on the box, it is someone elses, so dont worryl

Cell Phone! - ZX3 in progress - 03-03-2005

Poalo are you able to get your hands on the V3 Razr at all? if so at what price? I want that phone bad but I'm currently with Telus and I would have to buy out the rest of my contract and then fork out $500 for this one :rolleyes: I don't know if I can do that!

Cell Phone! - paolo - 03-07-2005

V3 Razr is approx 575-620 thats the NO Contract price, cheaper than rogers 3-year agreement price.