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Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - Printable Version

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Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - NOS2Go4Me - 01-25-2005

Well, I can't wait to get home and bolt this puppy up. It's a very slick-looking and feeling strut tower brace. Mad props to SL8RZZX3 for his hospitality and the tour of his slumbering ZX3. Those HIDs are, well, drool-inducing. The whole car is a decent piece of work, and the purple accents under the hood are quite killer.

I got to check out some of his new stuff tonight too... mad mad plans :D

I don't wanna give too much away.

Did I mention I hate driving the 401 these days? 1.5 hours from Avenue Rd. and Eglinton to SL8R's place, and just over half an hour back to the hotel. :blink:

I'll post pics of the bar when I get home Friday cause my dumb ass left the (make that BOTH) digicams at home. :rolleyes:

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - 01-yellow-ZX3 - 01-25-2005

Gotta love you posting EVERY mod you've ever: done, thought about doing, or didn't do.

If everybody did this, this forum would be huge.

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - 01-yellow-ZX3 - 01-25-2005

Did I tell you guys about the new Power adder mod I did today at about 2pm, Central Standard Time?

Well I was driving down the road, and I saw this huge yellow sign screaming at me "free power here!". So I stopped at the Shell, juiced the ol girl up with the strongest shiz they had (91 octane!!!). Man my baby flies now!! w00t!! pimp tyte!!

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - NOS2Go4Me - 01-25-2005

Hmm, last I checked it was Also, last I checked, purchased parts ranked higher than "what sock size should I buy?" or something along those lines.

If you really feel like bitching about it, you've got several choices:

delete the post

bitch about it in a PM

be childish and insult a member because they *HORROR* bought a new part for their car that will actually do something in some small way to improve performance.

Actually, screw it. I could care less. Do what you will.

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - 01-yellow-ZX3 - 01-25-2005

I hate to break it to ya, but that strut bar isn't going to do anything at all for "performance".

Maybe just make a monthly update of your purchases, instead of hourly.

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - NOS2Go4Me - 01-25-2005


I bought the strut tower bar tonight, met a member I hadn't met before, and saw a sweet couple of Focuses / got to check out some well-done mods. I wasn't aware that wasn't worth posting. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind for next time.

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - 01-yellow-ZX3 - 01-25-2005

haha no worries man, just givin you a hard time, chill...

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - Raine - 01-25-2005

Did I miss something? Exactly why are we getting all bitchy? s**t I remember when it was a big deal to install clear corners. If the man is happy that he got a part for his car, and met a nice guy like Gord, then why not let him post it? Remember that for some of us less well financed people, a simple thing like a strut brace is a decent mod. Not all of us spend thousands on our cars, ya know.

Although I am of the mind that those strut braces are pointless, the towers being so close to the firewall that it really would have very little effect, congrats on your purchase. Hope it lasts long and serves you well :)

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - 01-yellow-ZX3 - 01-25-2005

Quote:Remember that for some of us less well financed people

I'm a full time student, I'm there with ya dude.

By the way Raine, herpes feels different compared to what? Another STD?

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - NOS2Go4Me - 01-25-2005

I'm of the mind I'm overtired and bitchy, and I guess I over-reacted somewhat.

I know the strut tower brace mod is only slightly above yanking the stock airbox resonator in terms of actually doing something in everyday driving - but they must exist for a practical reason one would assume.

Technically I could get stupid and go install some FI setup right this moment, but our cash is meant for... other avenues. I'm happy doing small stuff for now cause they're cost-effective. Besides, it's not like the SPI will be running 14s at all with that ATX wonderdog of a tranny :)

I'm just too stressed being away from home already, and was tickled when I bought the strut brace and got to sit in and check out Gord's car :D

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - SL8RZZX3 - 01-25-2005

Thanx for the kind words guys!

I think it's great hearing about other members mods and plans, no matter how major or minor, especially when they are as positive and as enthusiastic as Adam

I know for a fact if it wasn't for this forum and it's members help and suggestions I probably wouldn't have gone as far with my car as i have. :D

It's always great hearing and seeing everyones mods and ideas!

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - ANTHONYD - 01-26-2005

I got chrome lug nuts.

+10hp! :P

Congrats on the bar. B)

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - D-Dub - 01-26-2005

01-yellow-ZX3,Jan 25 2005 Wrote:
Quote:Remember that for some of us less well financed people

I'm a full time student, I'm there with ya dude.

By the way Raine, herpes feels different compared to what? Another STD?

Dude shut the f.uck up

Take some mytol or eat some chocolate

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - 01-yellow-ZX3 - 01-26-2005

haha whoa settle down

(its off his signature eh)

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - Flofocus - 01-26-2005

Im gonna get one of those strut bars to. Just waiting for a deal, cant justify the price new for something that doesnt do anything.

It cleans up that engine bay well.


Ahhh....winter is taking its tole on us and our impatient asses!

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - SL8RZZX3 - 01-26-2005

Flofocus,Jan 25 2005, 11:44 AM Wrote:Ahhh....winter is taking its tole on us and our impatient asses!

Tell me about it! I've got boxes all over my house of stuff that's "waiting" to be put on, but it's all mostly appearance mods and I don't want to put them on till after the body kit is painted and installed :(

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - 2001 ZTS - 01-26-2005

No kidding!

I've got new to me wheels, a full suspension an intake and something else (I think?) waiting till spring.

Don't sweat the tower bar, lots of people who know they do nothing have them. This including myself and most surprising of all P-51.

Sometimes it is how you stand by your car. :lol:

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - Flofocus - 01-26-2005

SL8RZZX3,Jan 25 2005, 07:21 PM Wrote:
Flofocus,Jan 25 2005, 11:44 AM Wrote:Ahhh....winter is taking its tole on us and our impatient asses!

Tell me about it! I've got boxes all over my house of stuff that's "waiting" to be put on, but it's all mostly appearance mods and I don't want to put them on till after the body kit is painted and installed :(

Try having a full turbo kit in your closet for over 6 months. :lol:

Just Got The Stb Tonight... Hella Impressed - SL8RZZX3 - 01-26-2005


Try having a full turbo kit in your closet for over 6 months. :lol:

OK you got me beat!

But if GM truck doesn't shutdown again between now and april I hope to have my bodykit, shaved doors/trunk and 18's + new struts/shocks

**crosses fingers**
Here's to hoping!