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Rear Drums - Printable Version

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Rear Drums - MAlby7 - 01-21-2005

I have a 2000 ZX3. My drums are rusted to s**t and they squeak when it's cold. I was wondering if anyone had this similar issue and did something about it? Also where could I get drums and possibly shoes for my car that are not from Ford (ie. better)?

Rear Drums - NOS2Go4Me - 01-21-2005

My drums have a tiny squeak to them when cold.... probably nothing like what you mean. Sorry man.

As for upgrades... all I've ever heard about is ripping out the drums and switching to a SVT Focus-style quad-disc setup.

Rear Drums - ZX3TUNR - 01-21-2005

Why upgrade. I had the tiniest squeak in the drums last summer and Ford replaced them no questions asked. No more squeak....

Rear Drums - MAlby7 - 01-22-2005

Ya but you have warranty!

Rear Drums - ZX3TUNR - 01-22-2005

what year is your focus??

Rear Drums - MAlby7 - 01-22-2005


Rear Drums - Spyder01 - 01-22-2005

what?! lol my brakes have squeaking too when braking from 5km to 0km squeaks during cool weather, rain, its normal to have squeak in your brake in wet weather...ZX3TUNR oviously has a very very good dealership. The only thing i can think of right now is that SVT 4 wheel disk upgrade as well...but then whats the point?? Its costs too much for the upgrade...get a JRSC and let that drum rust all it wants :lol:

Rear Drums - NOS2Go4Me - 01-24-2005

Found this on, relating to your squealing-like-a-pig braking problem:

Rear Drums - MAlby7 - 01-24-2005

Thanks I saw that the other day