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DEI/Viper BitWriter? - Printable Version

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DEI/Viper BitWriter? - andrewsfm - 10-03-2010

Anyone have one I can borrow to program my alarm?

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - konafocuswrc - 10-03-2010

it is pretty easy to do programming without bitwriter.
and dei will not sell bitwriter to individuals unless you are getting off ebay or second hand..

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - andrewsfm - 10-03-2010

Yeah, I've seen some on eBay for $50ish.

I was playing around with the settings on the alarm the other day through the valet switch, and must have changed something by accident when I got lost in the menus, cause my remote start starts up the car, and then shuts it down after 10 seconds or so.

It's getting cold in the mornings and I want to get it up and running again ASAP, but I'm sick of trying to navigate through chirps and blinks.

Anyone have one?

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - konafocuswrc - 10-03-2010

which model do you have?
there is way to program back to default setting.

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - andrewsfm - 10-03-2010

There is a way to reset it, but if I do that, any settings originally set by the installer will be gone.

I've got some extra features wired to it. Blah...

Besides, I'm pissing off the neighbors with the constant siren chirps going through menus and setting things.

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - andrewsfm - 10-04-2010

Ended up resetting the whole thing and programmed all the features in an empty parking lot at work.

BitWriter would have been nice, but not for $60+ on eBay.

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - andrewsfm - 10-05-2010

Hmmm so I reset the thing, re-programmed what I wanted, and it started up just fine. Today I go to start it, and it's back to acting the way it did before, and I haven't done anything this time. Now what....

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - konafocuswrc - 10-05-2010

sounds to me, you will need to change to tachometer, not virtual tech.
menu 3, #2 engine checking mode, make sure to change to option 4.

and when it shuts down, how many times of flashes do you see from parking lights?

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - andrewsfm - 10-05-2010

(10-05-2010, 11:29 AM)konafocuswrc Wrote: sounds to me, you will need to change to tachometer, not virtual tech.
menu 3, #2 engine checking mode, make sure to change to option 4.

and when it shuts down, how many flashes do you see?

The car starts, runs for about 10 seconds, then shuts down. The lights flash once.

The car starts a second time, runs for about 10 seconds and then shuts down again. The lights flash once again.

The car starts a third time, runs for another 10 seconds and then shuts down again. The lights flash once, and then the remote throws an error code.

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - konafocuswrc - 10-05-2010

which viper do u have?
because parking light flashess should be 5+ flashes..

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - andrewsfm - 10-05-2010

(10-05-2010, 11:35 AM)konafocuswrc Wrote: which viper do u have?
because parking light flashess should be 5+ flashes..


It's definitely only 1 flash.

When the system was installed, a wire was connected to one of the coils on the engine. Could that be the tachometer wire?

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - konafocuswrc - 10-05-2010

no matter what, change the engine checking mode..virtual tach will rely on voltage of battery to start car.
yes that is tach wire, and viper default setting is virtual tach.

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - andrewsfm - 10-06-2010

Looks like option 4 (Tachometer) is what it needed to be set to. So far so good. I just hope it keeps working otherwise something else is wrong.

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - andrewsfm - 02-13-2014

Sorry to bring back such an old thread, but I actually came across another issue that requires me to locate someone with a bitwriter.
Need to modify the smart start settings, and this can ONLY be done with one of these apparently.

Anyone know where I could borrow one of these for less than an hour?

I really don't want to pay a shop to do something that will take 2 seconds to change.

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - ZX3_2NV - 02-13-2014

Pay Kona, He's opened up his own shop.

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - andrewsfm - 02-13-2014

If he's got the bitwriter and doesn't want much, I probably wouldn't object.

RE: DEI/Viper BitWriter? - ZX3_2NV - 02-14-2014

Try PM'ing him.