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Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - Printable Version

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Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - NikiterZTS - 08-14-2012

Ever drove through neighborhood and someone yelled at you "Slow down a$$hole!" as loud as they could? Because they thought your 3km/h over the limit is not acceptable for their inner speed radar gun. I'm old enough to realize how to drive in my area (or in any suburs for that matter).
Had to pull my car over, turn around and come up to this half drunk gentleman (almost empty glass of wine in his hand) who wasn't expecting me to do so.
This was after my gym sash so I was up for a good argument. Let me tell you one thing.....he didn't yell again.
Solving problems like a sir.


RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - meford4u - 08-14-2012

Usually on the ATV. I just smile and wave at those jealous bastards.

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - Oscar The Grouch - 08-14-2012

One thing I've learned, when you have a Hi-lift Jack and a Shovel mounted outside your jeep, no one cuts you off, mouths off, or gives you the finger. When I don't, everyone's a dick.

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - stupica1 - 08-14-2012

I get it quite frequently in my neighborhood. My street is infested with stupid children 4 - 12 years of age who LOVE to jump in front of cars and bike in the middle of road all day everyday (along with parents who simply dont give a f**k about there kids...great combo).

So even though the kids are retarded and jump in front of your car and you have to avoid them at all cost...the parents always flip s**t and blame it on the driver...its messed up

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - 2000zx3sct - 08-14-2012

lol happened to me a couple of weeks ago , this lady was like " slow down you stupid punk". After that I seen a cop car cruising down my street do I'm assuming she called the cops , dumb bitch ...

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - GFXjamie - 08-14-2012

yep. once i was coasting in second and got yelled at, must of "sounded" like i was going fast... i was doing 35-40km/h MAX

some people wanna be hero's, let em. Most hero's end up losing. I usually just brush it off because i could really care less, just laugh later about it. Its when people throw things or escalate it that you have to do something about it

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - adamzx5 - 08-14-2012

I was driving my traxxas revo and my idiot neighbour called the cops because of the noise ,yet he feels the need to weed wackat 7 am. I have also been pulled over because someone called the popos and said someone was driving fast down the highway with a loud car , I wasnt on the highway at all that night. Bottom line is if parents cared about there children they would teach them not to play on the damn road. Also a side rant , ebikes should be banned from everywhere.

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - sonic_mikey - 08-14-2012

had some idiot run out into the road to stop me, telling me to 'slow the f*** down'. Had to explain i was in 1st gear doing 45......Neighbour 2 houses down complained to my DAD, not even right to me, that he doesnt understand why i need to warm my car up in the summer time b4 i leave for work @ 8 am Tongue

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - Scorcher000 - 08-14-2012

My neighbor’s don't say s**t to me because they are frankly scared shitless of us and we are one of the longest residents here.

But one day while making a full and complete stop at a stop sign, while letting a kid on a bike coast through without looking, I was given the middle finger by a guy in a pickup truck behind me and told to go f**k myself as I proceeded through the intersection.

Whipped it down a back street caught up to him, because he turned right, and pulled right in his driveway. Sure as s**t just came back from camping and still had my 20" Machete in the car, pulled it out and said "what your say bitch!" He stuttered ummm. I then said you told me ... and gave the finger. He said sorry and I said, "Have some respect for people you don't know." I left and that was it. I think he learned.

I feel ur anger Nik,
People are special, more special than me lol

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - NikiterZTS - 08-14-2012

(08-14-2012, 04:31 AM)adamzx5 Wrote: ebikes should be banned from everywhere.

You read my mind. Those freaking slow scooters need to be booted before some will get hurt really bad. What's the top speed on them? Like 25km/h? Two of them (husband & wife) tried changing lanes in front of me the other day.....oh God!
(08-14-2012, 12:03 PM)Scorcher000 Wrote: My neighbor’s don't say s**t to me because they are frankly scared shitless of us and we are one of the longest residents here.

But one day while making a full and complete stop at a stop sign, while letting a kid on a bike coast through without looking, I was given the middle finger by a guy in a pickup truck behind me and told to go f**k myself as I proceeded through the intersection.

Whipped it down a back street caught up to him, because he turned right, and pulled right in his driveway. Sure as s**t just came back from camping and still had my 20" Machete in the car, pulled it out and said "what your say bitch!" He stuttered ummm. I then said you told me ... and gave the finger. He said sorry and I said, "Have some respect for people you don't know." I left and that was it. I think he learned.

I feel ur anger Nik,
People are special, more special than me lol

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - Flofocus - 08-15-2012

If you guys are always getting yelled at, maybe you should slow down. Speeding is a huge problem in my neighborhood and I've actually got a petition by all our street residents to install speed bumps to help slow down the traffic, its ridiculous.

I'm that guy that yells at you too slow down. I even throw rocks in front of the cars to make them realize just how little time they have to react. Notice how I said in front....not AT the cars. I won't yell at someone going 10km/hr over the limit, but if your blatantly speeding, going WOT from stop sign to stop sign, I will unleash the fury. lol

One guy stopped and threatened me: "Want me to get out of my car and show you just how fast I am?"

LOL - "Sure bud, but I don't think you will be able to walk back into your car."

he kept on driving.

Lots of them go WOT after you yell at them to slow down. Good one smart ass, just called your plates in. Have fun!

I will also hit the local show and shine and see the regular 17-18 year old speeders, and leave a note on their windshield "Please stop racing down _______ Street, next time I see you do it, you will have a rock in your windshield instead of this note"

With all that said - I've gotten yelled at a few times also. For driving 40km/hr. My car is loud so they assume I am driving fast. I do the same as Nick, calmly get out and let them know that I was not breaking any laws, and was indeed going the speed limit, and tell them I too have a beef with speeders, they usually apologize.

I'm no angel, I drive fast, but I don't speed in neighborhoods full of children. Children can be unpredictable, regardless of what you think of the parents. Slow down in these kind of neighborhoods, save the speeding for late night runs on the 400 series hwy's.
(08-14-2012, 11:25 PM)NikiterZTS Wrote:


RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - Scorcher000 - 08-15-2012

First off Nik, great pick lmao

Flo, you throw rocks WTF man lol. I do the speed limit in neighborhoods. And I let people cross at crosswalks instead of driving through them. I'm not bad, just crazy.

(08-15-2012, 01:51 AM)Flofocus Wrote: If you guys are always getting yelled at, maybe you should slow down. Speeding is a huge problem in my neighborhood and I've actually got a petition by all our street residents to install speed bumps to help slow down the traffic, its ridiculous.

I'm that guy that yells at you too slow down. I even throw rocks in front of the cars to make them realize just how little time they have to react. Notice how I said in front....not AT the cars. I won't yell at someone going 10km/hr over the limit, but if your blatantly speeding, going WOT from stop sign to stop sign, I will unleash the fury. lol

One guy stopped and threatened me: "Want me to get out of my car and show you just how fast I am?"

LOL - "Sure bud, but I don't think you will be able to walk back into your car."

he kept on driving.

Lots of them go WOT after you yell at them to slow down. Good one smart ass, just called your plates in. Have fun!

I will also hit the local show and shine and see the regular 17-18 year old speeders, and leave a note on their windshield "Please stop racing down _______ Street, next time I see you do it, you will have a rock in your windshield instead of this note"

With all that said - I've gotten yelled at a few times also. For driving 40km/hr. My car is loud so they assume I am driving fast. I do the same as Nick, calmly get out and let them know that I was not breaking any laws, and was indeed going the speed limit, and tell them I too have a beef with speeders, they usually apologize.

I'm no angel, I drive fast, but I don't speed in neighborhoods full of children. Children can be unpredictable, regardless of what you think of the parents. Slow down in these kind of neighborhoods, save the speeding for late night runs on the 400 series hwy's.
(08-14-2012, 11:25 PM)NikiterZTS Wrote:


RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - Flofocus - 08-15-2012

I throw whatever is And that's only for the people BOMBING down the road, and it's never at the car, always in front of it, never hit one yet.

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - hardk0re - 08-16-2012

I think until you guys have kids you won't understand, 40-50km is pretty fast in most residential areas. In some peoples defense the loud exhausts don't help the cause because it sounds like your going faster than you are.

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - NikiterZTS - 08-16-2012

"Loud pipes save lives" Smile

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - meford4u - 08-16-2012

(08-16-2012, 01:05 AM)hardk0re Wrote: I think until you guys have kids you won't understand, 40-50km is pretty fast in most residential areas. In some peoples defense the loud exhausts don't help the cause because it sounds like your going faster than you are.
I have kid. I don't drive fast in res. areas but the ATV makes kids run out in the street yelling "take me for a ride" Then the thud. Then Mom/Dad yelling at me for diving 25kms/hr. whatever.

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - ZTWsquared - 08-16-2012

Hey Nik - meford, flo and hardkore have mentioned pretty much what any parent would say - including me - but here's the thing ... where you are relating the term "slow down" or "too fast" as being relative to the speed limit, the parents in the neighbourhood relate it to what's safe for the conditions in the neighbourhood - which has nothing to do with the legal limit.

Narrow streets, number of parked cars, time of day, lighting, number of kids living on the street, major street (kids are more aware) or quiet side street (kids not so aware) sidewalks on both sides or just one ... all of these things factor into what a safe speed is on any given street.

In my neighbourhood I rarely go over 15 km per hour, and even then there have been times when I almost hit a kid running after a ball or being stupid on a bike or skateboard.

My kids are extremely well taught and aware as far as kids go - but I still want drivers to think like I do when in my neighbourhood; it just takes a millisecond to destroy a couple of lives - the kid's and the drivers - because kids will be kids, and no matter who was at fault, the vast majority of drivers will find it difficult to recover from killing a kid.

So cut the guy some slack and think about what is really at stake - it's not about your right to drive the speed limit, it's about the safety of kids.

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - CanadaSVT - 09-26-2012

[Image: 217132_10150223605280996_6968657_n.jpg]
[Image: IMG_1297.jpg]
These two didn't think they were going too fast until it was too late. Kids were playing ball hockey less then 10 minutes before the moron in the blue Focus showed up. Neither of these idiots slowed down when yelled at but did eventually stop.

They probably got off better than if they had turned around to give me some of thier verbal shite.

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - stupica1 - 09-26-2012

Ken, to add onto what you said just above.

I do agree its all about the safety of kids, but you must admit some parents go to far. also, in my neighborhood...the kids deserve to get hit haha. theyre by far the worst behaved kids ever, Waking up to silver spraypaint all over your hood and tiny kid finger prints all through it...yeah kinda sucks. and watching them ram there bikes into the side of vehicles parked on the road cuz its funny...and throwing rocks at cars driving by....and the parents give no care in the world, theres only so much respect you can really give to the little bastards.

RE: Ever drove through neighbourhood and got yelled at? - adamzx5 - 09-26-2012

(09-26-2012, 12:58 AM)stupica1 Wrote: Ken, to add onto what you said just above.

I do agree its all about the safety of kids, but you must admit some parents go to far. also, in my neighborhood...the kids deserve to get hit haha. theyre by far the worst behaved kids ever, Waking up to silver spraypaint all over your hood and tiny kid finger prints all through it...yeah kinda sucks. and watching them ram there bikes into the side of vehicles parked on the road cuz its funny...and throwing rocks at cars driving by....and the parents give no care in the world, theres only so much respect you can really give to the little bastards.
Thats because parents stopped giving there kids a smack when there being little idiots. Its like kids today have no common sense.