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Sighted Silver SVTF in St. Thomas - Printable Version

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Sighted Silver SVTF in St. Thomas - 0XDESVT - 12-04-2012

Saw this SVTF as i was driving through my subdivision, and turned onto another side street. Saw from a distance what looked like SVTF wheels and to my surprise it was a SVTF. Anyone claiming it ? I now know of this silver SVTF in St. Thomas as well as my Sonic Blue SVTF and a Black SVTF in London as well. Anyone else have any in London or St. Thomas? Saw another Sonic Blue one awhile back but ever have seen again.
[Image: IMAG0345.jpg]

RE: Sighted Silver SVTF in St. Thomas - BLK02SVT - 12-05-2012

I wish mine was blue Tongue. That'd be awesome if there was another SVTF in the London area.

RE: Sighted Silver SVTF in St. Thomas - 0XDESVT - 12-05-2012

(12-05-2012, 02:29 PM)BLK02SVT Wrote: I wish mine was blue Tongue. That'd be awesome if there was another SVTF in the London area.
lol yeah that would be really cool if there was 3 sonic blue SVTF's in London, i doubt the one sonic blue i saw and this silver one in st. thomas are even on the forum or no about this. I'm sure it's just a daily driver or maybe even a beater to some. I guess i could go find out if they know about the forum and see the car but, i had never seen the car there before maybe down for a visit only.

RE: Sighted Silver SVTF in St. Thomas - BLK02SVT - 12-06-2012

I think it's funny how SVTF owners are so pumped to find other SVT owners. I know I am.

RE: Sighted Silver SVTF in St. Thomas - Tripper_ST - 12-08-2012

i just got a 2004 sonic blue svtf and absolutly love it, used to have a 05 ST well still do its for sale if anyone is interested but i love my svt and never see anyone with svts out there. mine is number 777 hopefully shes the lucky one

RE: Sighted Silver SVTF in St. Thomas - incognito27 - 12-08-2012

(12-08-2012, 05:55 AM)Tripper_ST Wrote: i just got a 2004 sonic blue svtf and absolutly love it, used to have a 05 ST well still do its for sale if anyone is interested but i love my svt and never see anyone with svts out there. mine is number 777 hopefully shes the lucky one

Pics of the ST?

RE: Sighted Silver SVTF in St. Thomas - 0XDESVT - 12-09-2012

Where about do you live ?

RE: Sighted Silver SVTF in St. Thomas - Tripper_ST - 12-11-2012

dont know how to post pics up on this forum but ill figure it out and post some up its the black on in the background of my display pic, not the greatest of pics but its black, and i live in brampton