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Need help on turbo decision - Printable Version

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Need help on turbo decision - 07focus_st - 01-28-2013

Hey guys I ordered the fswerks turbo kit and exhaust , clutch but I just put it on hold
I know someone who is selling an f2 turbo kit USED the one Muskoka sold too I don't remember what's his user name should I go for new or used turbo kit I know I can save money from buying used if everything is ok I need opinion guys but the turbo has carbon which normal I guess but its pretty dirty the intercooler look a little beaten up ill post more pictures later


RE: Need help on turbo decision - hardk0re - 01-28-2013

How much will you be saving? Keep in mind FSWerks turbo will come with support/warranty and a custom tune. A used kit comes with none of that, maybe a tune if your lucky but something always needs tweaking for your particular setup.

If your saving a few thousand it may be worth it...but if its only 1000 or so then I'd say just get a new one.

RE: Need help on turbo decision - drunkinmonkey - 01-28-2013

You need punctuation lol. I pieces my kit together in the end it saved me a tonne of money

RE: Need help on turbo decision - 07focus_st - 01-28-2013

Well he is selling it for 2grand and fswerks almost 5 with accessories that I want and than shipping and install got to order clutch and exhaust and labor is what's up the ass

Need help on turbo decision - drunkinmonkey - 01-28-2013

Save yourself the labour and get a few friends to help you over a weekend

RE: Need help on turbo decision - 07focus_st - 01-28-2013

My parents will freak if I did it at my house and to cold to working in a garage or if someone on here could help me and do it at their place lol

RE: Need help on turbo decision - adamzx5 - 01-28-2013

Ask what the cash price to have it installed would be, it should save you money( no taxes).

RE: Need help on turbo decision - hardk0re - 01-28-2013

Does it come with a tune?

Need help on turbo decision - drunkinmonkey - 01-29-2013

How are the seals on the used turbo? Is there shaft play?

Ugh anyone no how to get that stupid picture off from when I post using tapatalk?

RE: Need help on turbo decision - ZX3_2NV - 01-29-2013

^ Interesting picture to post.

If your unsure about the wear on the used kit have the seller meet you somewhere to have it looked at. There is nothing wrong with buying used I sold my old precision turbo kit to the states and not for too much less than what I paid but it was discontinued and he paid for shipping and was super happy with it and it was nowhere near perfect. All this was done via email and alot of pictures.

RE: Need help on turbo decision - drunkinmonkey - 01-29-2013

I don't even know where the hell the picture came from. But when ever I post from tapatalk it some to how attaches itself to my posts and its extremely annoying