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Blood Bath At Work Today. - ANTHONYD - 12-18-2008

Well fellas, they finally did it.
They completely shut down our New York office, and laid off a good 40 people here in T.O.

Fortunately I made the cut. Problem is I have to say good bye to a whole lot of people who helped me become the person I am today.

Tough days.

Hug your wives, kids and partners this holiday season, it could be a lot worse.



Blood Bath At Work Today. - NefCanuck - 12-18-2008

Yeowtch, damn, good to hear you were spared Anthony but must have been like walkin' on daggers there for a while...

Every day I thank my stars that I'm beating the odds and I'm still employed (nearly 60% of all disabled people live in poverty)


Blood Bath At Work Today. - ANTHONYD - 12-18-2008

NefCanuck,Dec 17 2008, 04:45 PM Wrote:Yeowtch, damn, good to hear you were spared Anthony but must have been like walkin' on daggers there for a while...

Every day I thank my stars that I'm beating the odds and I'm still employed (nearly 60% of all disabled people live in poverty)


It's been coming for a while around here.
we just didn't know when.
It's an Omnicom thing.
All our companies are being slashed right now.

I have a feeling I'm going to be VERY busy in the new year.

Blood Bath At Work Today. - NefCanuck - 12-18-2008

Yeah, that's what usually happens, the "survivours" get loaded down with the work that the people let go used to do...

Fun times not


Blood Bath At Work Today. - darkpuppet - 12-18-2008

jesus man... sorry to hear. It's not easy watching coworkers leave.

Best of luck in the new year -- looks like we all have some tough times ahead.

I'll be happy when this year is done.. it's been f***ing hell.

Blood Bath At Work Today. - Focus man. Focus. - 12-18-2008

Wow man that really sucks for your co-workers. They got the Merry Christmas F#(k You bonus. What a horible time of year to have it happen as well. Glad to hear you made it through. Congrats??? :iono:

Blood Bath At Work Today. - ZX5focused - 12-18-2008

you could be an autoworker, thats alot worse, i know alot of people dependent on the industry i cringe everyday i check the news to see who closed/went bankrupt.

Edit: anth, glad you are still around, you seemed to know what you were doing, so hopefully you are safe.
i know the stress involved, my dad has been pushed out of a few places and it isnt fun. but things get better and you work through it, and hopefully come out as a stronger person/family

side note, keep my place open, drink up!!! [/shameless plug] :ph34r:

Blood Bath At Work Today. - oldeguy - 12-18-2008

And a Merry F$#%%^&^ Christmas to your company. Although, in some ways, I bet it could be looked at by those that have been let go, as a blessing to know what their short term future is. The timing however, sucks huge. I hope they didn't go out and charge a whole bunch of stuff for Christmas on credit. You never know, they could go out and find better jobs. For you though, in some ways you probably feel guilt, relief and dread, all at the same time. I remember, waaay back when I was a younge guy. going into work and being told a bunch of guys were being laid off, all with more seniority than me, ( it was a "Union Shop" ) I was the Union Steward and called up the boss, and asked what's going on, and was told, "I need to see you too"..... However, it wasn't at Christmas time, and within two weeks I ended up getting the job I have know, which ended up being a much better job than I had.

Blood Bath At Work Today. - Burnin21 - 12-18-2008

Lay offs are never any fun. I got laid off in October with 18 other guys from Thomson Metals. It sucks because i'm working two jobs now and going to school just to get by. I hate the economy right now, its hard on everyone. I kno my boss' and co-workers didnt want to see me go but sometimes its gotta be done. At least you've made it Anthony, glad to hear you'll be ok!

Blood Bath At Work Today. - cornflakes - 12-18-2008

If the government expanded it's military projects and services....would you all take those jobs?

I heard with the millions of US job cuts coming the US will be hiring tons into the military services for various roles and services. Or was that just another conspiracy?

Blood Bath At Work Today. - NikiterZTS - 12-18-2008

cornflakes,Dec 17 2008, 06:35 PM Wrote:If the government expanded it's military projects and services....would you all take those jobs? 

I heard with the millions of US job cuts coming the US will be hiring tons into the military services for various roles and services.  Or was that just another conspiracy?

military is not a bad choice....but don't expect too much money in it

a couple years back i was gonna still only one call away

my dad's company is doing bad as well (AMD), I really hope he survives there.....they already had 3 big lay offs

Blood Bath At Work Today. - Oscar The Grouch - 12-18-2008

yeah times are tough.

Yours truly was just hit by the knife. 9 years of loyal service thrown out the window with only a few hours notice.

With the severance I got, EI and the cash in the bank, I should be good to weather the storm and find another job. However it may mean I move elsewhere as North Bay is terrible for work.

This has been really tough since it is the first time I lose a job, but lucky that I don't have family to support.

Blood Bath At Work Today. - ANTHONYD - 12-18-2008

The good thing was, the Prez was smart enough to pull us all into a room a few weeks back and tell us things weren't good. I actually applaud him for being so transparent through the whole thing. We ALL knew this was coming.

So I think a lot of people (including me) were already getting irons in the fire, paying off credit cards, storing money away etc... So I'm sure the people I was close with who got laid off did all of that. Thery're a smart bunch and we all spoke quite openly about what our plans were before this all went down.

The tough part is watching people clear offices out that have been here for 10+ years. some have kids in college etc. It's heart breaking.

I'm embarrassed to come out of my office in fears the they're looking at me like, "why me and not him?" There are people here far more talented and with more experience than me. That's the trouble with economic cut backs.... your skills don't matter, your bottom line cost does.

I think that's why it feels so heartless.

I hardy slept last night.

Blood Bath At Work Today. - ZX5focused - 12-18-2008

Wow Oscar that sucks!! Let me know if you start looking down my way

Blood Bath At Work Today. - Oscar The Grouch - 12-19-2008

ZX5focused,Dec 18 2008, 09:23 AM Wrote:Wow Oscar that sucks!! Let me know if you start looking down my way

Thanks. I'll be pretty much looking everywhere nonetheless.

As Anthony said, yeah it comes down to cost.

Hopefully by summer, the bailouts, rate cuts, oil cuts will drive up the economy like a rocket.

Blood Bath At Work Today. - FocusGuy7476 - 12-19-2008

Thats really bad for you guys out east, if your looking for work you can come out west. Potash Corp of Sask announced a huge $4.0 billion expansion for all the mines out here, and heard that some of the IT techs for Mosiac Potash are complete swamped with work, their putting in 80 hours a week.

Think that I really happy that I'm studying for a recession proof job.

Blood Bath At Work Today. - NefCanuck - 12-19-2008

ANTHONYD,Dec 18 2008, 08:20 AM Wrote:The good thing was, the Prez was smart enough to pull us all into a room a few weeks back and tell us things weren't good. I actually applaud him for being so transparent through the whole thing. We ALL knew this was coming.

So I think a lot of people (including me) were already getting irons in the fire, paying off credit cards, storing money away etc... So I'm sure the people I was close with who got laid off did all of that. Thery're a smart bunch and we all spoke quite openly about what our plans were before this all went down.

The tough part is watching people clear offices out that have been here for 10+ years. some have kids in college etc. It's heart breaking.

I'm embarrassed to come out of my office in fears the they're looking at me like, "why me and not him?" There are people here far more talented and with more experience than me. That's the trouble with economic cut backs.... your skills don't matter, your bottom line cost does.

I think that's why it feels so heartless.

I hardy slept last night.

Y'know, if more companies were like yours and talked straight with their employees I think there would be a lot less of the "shell shocked" when things finally do come to a head down the road.

I read countless stories of companies proclaiming their health loud and long, only to shaft their employees as things continue to tank and all the happy talk can no longer hide what is happening.

I applaud you Anthony for being strong enough to deal with the fallout, just keep going and doing what you have to do, things have to get better.


Blood Bath At Work Today. - reldridge - 12-19-2008

Tough news this time of year. I was laid off in May, and now I'm finding out that what was left of the company is pretty much gone too. It went from over 100 strong, to about 8 now, with everything off-shored to India. Customers are running away from them now too due to such poor service. Oh well, that teaches the guy who bought it and thought he new better.

On the other side, anybody want a job as a programmer or help desk person? Still quite a bit of that here in Ottawa...

Blood Bath At Work Today. - NOS2Go4Me - 12-19-2008

I guess it's been a few days and I can speak to this situation as well.

I really didn't want to talk about it because of the guilt factor - I'm still here.

The more you look at it, the more you realize that they had to do SOMETHING. I won't speak to the numbers or anything but at least they did it before Christmas. This way (before you all start to tar and feather me) those families who are / were / would have been affected can have a more financially-aware Christmas than they would have possibly had otherwise.

Oscar's a good friend of mine but at a time like this you do indeed feel fairly useless to a friend who's been affected because there's almost nothing you can do for them. :(

My offer of Guitar Hero World Tour still stands tho, bud. :) Don't make me drive over there and drag you out of the house. ;)