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New guy from Vancity - Printable Version

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New guy from Vancity - GabAlmighty - 02-17-2015

Hi, I like cars and trucks.
Here is a somewhat chronological order of the cars I have had.

Some pics are big, deal with it.

First car, $500 Volvo 242. Most fun I have had in a vehicle. Beat the living piss out of it.
[Image: 1923825_65869080003_5445_n.jpg?oh=d77f03...9bc4bda76c]

Sleeper 245. Estimated at 300whp or something. One of 2 vehicles I regret selling.
[Image: 1928761_127752095003_2488_n.jpg?oh=7f843...02c23ee91b]

Chopped springs ftw
[Image: 27113_10150133077015004_7531815_n.jpg?oh...e=5555B0C7]

Instagram goodness

Check out that filter though bro...
[Image: 485762_10152119345260004_277782264_n.jpg...e=558CBD60]

Piece of fucking s**t Cummins. But it was a 6spd at least.

Locked f/r on 35's
[Image: 1483010_10153903839830004_1150510773_n.j...e=55901BE2]

Welded and dumped. Blew the H/G and called it a day
[Image: 1965655_10154039324085004_415318531102624959_o.jpg]

4d'ssssss yo
[Image: 10341453_10154060388615004_3662673891462...67db6582ff]

Oil money lets you buy nice things
[Image: 10669363_10154579937005004_6706149963973335001_o.jpg]

First FWD car, dat torque steer doe...
[Image: 1979119_10155112361910004_6109131681647287482_o.jpg]

RE: New guy from Vancity - 2000zx3sct - 02-18-2015

Welcome , you had some awesome volvo's