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New Toys - drunkinmonkey - 12-08-2008

went out and bought some new toys check them out....ill post install pics tonight

[Image: HPIM3199.jpg]

UPDATE: install

heres the mic...i dunno if im gonna keep it there tho
[Image: HPIM3201.jpg]

the pics of the unit....sry the camera SUCKS at night shots

[Image: HPIM3203.jpg]
[Image: HPIM3204.jpg]


New Toys - malim - 12-08-2008

Congratss!!! :)

New Toys - smith21 - 12-08-2008

good choice! can't wait to see it installed

New Toys - darkpuppet - 12-08-2008

make sure you get an alarm and don't let too many people know you have it.

Mine went disappearing rather quickly...

New Toys - fatphocus - 12-08-2008

looks good, I love my tv! Just watch for those cops, even on radio / mp3 they will follow you and give ya trouble..i bypassed the ebrake so i watch dvds and music vids instead, you should do it too, you dont need anything to do it either, simple fix with the wires :D

New Toys - Focus man. Focus. - 12-08-2008

Cool man. Merry Christmas!

New Toys - drunkinmonkey - 12-08-2008

thanks guys i got it installed and bluetooth working perfectly well sorta...because of the phone i got (htc s640) is wont load my phone book but thats ok it lets me preset i think 6 contacts soo im good that way and lets me use the screen to dial numbers so im not to worried about it ...ill post pics a little for the bypass to the ground....already other one was liek that to which btw is up for sale

New Toys - ANTHONYD - 12-09-2008

I wouldn't post picture of that on here my man.
Ask Darkpuppet.

New Toys - ZX3_2NV - 12-09-2008

hey I also have a HTC S640 not to many pple have it, I have also had troubles with the blue tooth and transfering files. But ive delt with it I think its time to switch to rogers and get a Bold