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Paying Attention - Printable Version

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Paying Attention - NOS2Go4Me - 11-08-2008

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, and - I haven't stopped laughing in half an hour! :rofl:

* - I do actually work at the same time. Sometimes. Thank you, multi-tab browsing :lol:

Paying Attention - DD1 - 11-08-2008

HAHAHA thats AWESome

Paying Attention - NikiterZTS - 11-08-2008

that baby did like a triple back-flip..........thank God for ninja babies

Paying Attention - Oscar The Grouch - 11-08-2008

That's about a year old dude. But still funny.

Paying Attention - Flofocus - 11-08-2008

that kid flew! :lol:

"You got kocked the f*** out!"

Paying Attention - Scourge - 11-08-2008

HAHAHAHA.... I think I just scared my co-worker with laughter!

That's awesome!

Paying Attention - NefCanuck - 11-08-2008

Jesus... that kid flew like a hacky sack :blink:


Paying Attention - Canadian ST - 11-08-2008

I think that was part of there dance set up. That kinda flew.

Paying Attention - Focus man. Focus. - 11-08-2008

Kids are born with that kind of talent, you can't learn that $#!t. LOL

Paying Attention - Dimitri - 11-09-2008

[Image: GotTalent.jpg]

The "Hoff" gives it 5 outta 5 lol!