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What The Hell Is This? - torradan - 07-18-2008

What the frick is this thing? Looks like a bee humped a grasshopper or something. It seems like it was trying to fly, but the fatass couldn't get airborne.

Never seen anything like it, and just had to get a photo to try to figure it out.

And as much as I HATE insects, I didn't kill it. Its about 2-3" long too.

[Image: wtfisthis.jpg]

What The Hell Is This? - paulicat - 07-18-2008

I'd have to guess the queen maybe??
But damn, thats some ugly ass insect!!

Nevermind, way off on queen...googling like crazy trying to find a match, nothing yet.

What The Hell Is This? - Canadian ST - 07-18-2008

Great a new type of super bee.

What The Hell Is This? - j3rt - 07-18-2008

I'm guessing it could not fly because it's young, wings aren't ready yet, just hatched.

What The Hell Is This? - Focus man. Focus. - 07-18-2008

Canadian ST,Jul 17 2008, 02:05 PM Wrote:Great a new type of super bee.

Does it come with a Hemi? :lol:

What The Hell Is This? - torradan - 07-18-2008


"a new type of super bee" (no hemi)

"its young and can't fly".. whats it going to look like as an adult?


What The Hell Is This? - Oscar The Grouch - 07-18-2008

Canadian ST,Jul 17 2008, 03:05 PM Wrote:Great a new type of super bee.


[Image: Super-Bee-Emblem-resized.JPG]

What The Hell Is This? - 02ztsian - 07-18-2008

Find a really big spider-lock them in an empty aquarium-let em fight to the death!!!!

What The Hell Is This? - torradan - 07-18-2008

Here is a REAL Super Bee.. not that new Mopar crap they're trying to pass off..

[Image: Riley.06.jpg]

I miss my Mopar :( Hopefully wifey lets me have it here in Canada when the time comes (and I have a garage for it)

Oh yeah, I still can't figure out what the hell that thing is.

What The Hell Is This? - Canadian ST - 07-18-2008

j3rt,Jul 17 2008, 03:26 PM Wrote:I'm guessing it could not fly because it's young, wings aren't ready yet, just hatched.

Well if is still young how big is it going to get? Its already 2-3' long now. So it will be the size of a mouse with a stinger???

What The Hell Is This? - Aka - 07-18-2008

Reminds me of these

I just had a terrible dream about a huge bug.... I hate bugs...

What The Hell Is This? - NikiterZTS - 07-18-2008

i've seen these things around Pickering area....they are pretty big and yes they can fly..slow though
im looking to buy a tarantula very soon

by the way that bug fighting site is awesome

What The Hell Is This? - ZX5focused - 07-18-2008

Aka,Jul 17 2008, 06:09 PM Wrote:Reminds me of these

I just had a terrible dream about a huge bug.... I hate bugs...

theres a video of these things destroying a whole be colony somewhere on the net....


What The Hell Is This? - Canadian ST - 07-18-2008

02ztsian,Jul 17 2008, 03:44 PM Wrote:Find a really big spider-lock them in an empty aquarium-let em fight to the death!!!!

Well that was weird but cool. Nice site.

What The Hell Is This? - Focus man. Focus. - 07-18-2008

Man those Japanese film some crazy $#!t.

What The Hell Is This? - ZTWsugardaddy - 07-18-2008

Did it come out from....."The Mist" :D

What The Hell Is This? - NikiterZTS - 07-18-2008

that movie had the worst praphics ever

What The Hell Is This? - Scorcher000 - 07-18-2008

We're geting all these weird bugs from the containers coming in from other countries. Like the long horned asian beatle, my friend who halls cans for Olympia Tile says they find there way into the product and you can only kill so many of them. So somehow they get free and kill off bugs with origins of Canada and who knows one day all of our polinating bees could be dead, no more flowers or plants that need the polinating. Example Yellow Jackets, no purpose, just to nest, grow a bigger family and take out honey bees in the area and bite the hell out of everyone.(the Yellow Jackets bite not sting)
But honestly I hope to hell we don't get anything like that here, even though the african killer bees are spreading up the east side of america but are being held back from the colder temps.(Discovery Channel gotta love it)

What The Hell Is This? - 02ztsian - 07-18-2008

I'm surprised the scorpions don't do better. And, yes, for some reason all the really weird stuff comes out of Japan. Like tub girls.

What The Hell Is This? - torradan - 07-18-2008

Well I hunted around a while this morning, couldn't find what this thing is. Found a website: and emailed them with the picture of it. Maybe they'll get back to me and know what it is.