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Lease Take Over - D-Dub - 07-09-2008

My G/F found a car on lease busters and is trying to take the lease over. The dealership(GM) she is dealing with in my opinion... is f***ing her around. They are telling her that the dealership needs to be paid $450 to process the application, and that the other dealership of the current leaser is also to be paid $450. The salesman then later made my G/F fill out a credit application and said when he receives the paper from out east he will have to charge her the fee.

Here is the problem: the leaser went to school here and moved back out east and left the car with a friend, now she is trying to unload the car while still living out east, could that be why he is trying find a way to charge my G/F OR could it be that he wants to sell her a car?. Its pretty stupid to charge someone such a huge fee when they are really doing nothing.

I was thinking all she had to do was have the girl take care of the paper work and have her send it back to my G/F and have her sign it, could it be that easy??!?

Lease Take Over - mo_focus - 07-09-2008

yeah you are correct. The seller should take care of all the paper work and not your gf.

having said that, the seller can also return the car to any other GM dealership as long as its in Canada. I contacted a saturn dealership for my sis-in-law and they told me that i could return the lease at any dealership once the lease is terminated.

As for the dealership charging 450$, they can charge whatever they want for the transfer, but why both dealerships are charging 450 each boggles my mind.

Lease Take Over - NefCanuck - 07-09-2008

The dealerships are just doing what they're legally entitled to do (Call it "processing costs" or "reasonable expenses" = whatever the heck they want) :(


Lease Take Over - j3rt - 07-09-2008

I would have your g/f push the seller to cover all transfer charges. If the seller wants/needs the car gone she'll do it.
I'd contact lease busters also, find out what the norm is, a sketchy situation like this negatively impacts them.

Lease Take Over - 2001 ZTS - 07-09-2008

Unless its a Prius it is a buyers market out there. There is no way in hell there isn't a bottom line as good or better for whatever car she has in mind especially a GM product. Run don't walk.

It's alright to not bicker too much about initial cost if one is intending to build a lifetime relationship with a particular dealer (ex/ Subaru of Mississauga & I) where I am always getting deals and perks for a dozen years now but I doubt that is the case in this instance.

Plus it's a lease too which makes matters even worse, not a fan of leases PERIOD and would never get messed up in one and that is the word too: MESS. For a luxury car possibly if I had a head injury but for a bread and butter GM product whatever it is NEVER.

Lease Take Over - NOS2Go4Me - 07-09-2008

I agree with Andrew - leases are really a lot more worry for a little less monthly outlay.

Case in point: one of the guys that works for me has a VW City Jetta (2006). He has two years left and is becoming horribly unhappy with the car AND the dealer. He has tried several times to get people here in town to take over the lease, but when they realize it's not a Diesel-powered Jetta they run (it's still great on gas, but...). He wants something else (Dodge Journey amongst others) but he's locked into driving a vehicle he doesn't like for another two years it seems.

Meanwhile, he's only paying 100/mo less than I did to finance the Escape. Sure, the timeframes are different (lease vs finance) but the monthly outlay is all that matters, really.

He's told me many times now that he won't be leasing again, even though our boss has two leases and is addicted to leasing / seems pleased with leasing.

Personally, I'll never pay near-full pop for a vehicle I won't own outright at the end of the day.

Actually, let me partially retract that statement: I'll never pay near-full pop for a run of the mill, everyday car. If it was a new BMW/Audi that was worth trying to save the extra cash on, sure. But for what I need right now? Hell no.

Lease Take Over - meford4u - 07-09-2008

For a car under $25k, a lease is a poor option. I realize she is trying to keep down the monthly payments, but in the end over 5 years, it would be better financially to purchase a car, especially a used car. Never....ever lease a used car. What's the advantage of leasing a used car? The whole interest in leasing a new car is to stay within the limits of the warranty period. A lease on a used car doesn't add up financially.

Lease Take Over - NefCanuck - 07-09-2008

Leases are at best a quick & dirty way to get more car than you can afford for the payments that you are prepared to make.

Unless you have a way to write off the payments on your taxes, you're simply tossing money down a hole every month in payments and at the end of the term have zero equity.

This is fine if all you want is a cheap way to get from A to B, but given that as stated earlier, you've likely leased more car than you can afford otherwise, if you actually do like the car and want to keep it you're hosed as the buyout at the end merely delayed and increased the amount to pay if you want to keep the vehicle...

Heaven help you though if you haven't been fastidious about the upkeep/maintenance, because you will be nailed when you turn the car in :ph34r:


Lease Take Over - Flofocus - 07-10-2008

tell her to buy my car.

Lease Take Over - D-Dub - 07-10-2008

Ok well here are the details:

The car is $279 a month and the leaser is giving her $2000 to take it from her. This car only has 13,000km with a max of 100,000km, there is also two years left on the lease.

Her father is giving her 3k for her old car so in the end she isn't losing out.

Lease Take Over - ZTWsquared - 07-10-2008

D-Dub,Jul 9 2008, 12: Wrote:Ok well here are the details:

The car is $279 a month and the leaser is giving her $2000 to take it from her. This car only has 13,000km with a max of 100,000km, there is also two years left on the lease.

Her father is giving her 3k for her old car so in the end she isn't losing out.

Does the 279 include taxes ...

What car ...

What is the lease end value (buy out)

And finally ... make sure this is a closed-end or walk away lease ... although rare there are leases out there that puts the burden of guaranteeing the lease end value on the customer.

Lease Take Over - D-Dub - 07-10-2008

yes its including taxes and she is not buying it out, so I dont think thats relative.

The car is a 4 door Cobalt, top of the line(not the SS).

Lease Take Over - Scorcher000 - 07-11-2008

Well the money I'm paying for my focus I wish I had never leased so, good luck.
2005 Focus SES ZX5
$403 per month
1 year left
$10,000 Buy out!
Close to $1000 for insurance PER MONTH
Happy happy me.
Good luck with the deal my friend and the extra fees are just the commision and tranfers fees same B S anywheres.

Lease Take Over - ZX3_2NV - 07-11-2008

ouch ur insurance sucks

Lease Take Over - Scorcher000 - 07-11-2008

ZX3_2NV,Jul 10 2008, 04:01 PM Wrote:ouch ur insurance sucks

Tell me about it lol. Its all because the car is in my dad's name so ya they don't like that.