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Q Tires - Retractable Studs - Printable Version

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Q Tires - Retractable Studs - darkpuppet - 04-01-2008

Looks like someone found a way to make a tire with retractable studs..


Quote:Retractable Snow Tires Could Be The Real Wheel Profit Deal - But Will Ontario Get On Board?
Monday March 31, 2008 Staff
They will be mandatory next fall in Quebec. They're recommended but not required in Ontario. And police say you'll be safer if you use them. But many feel they're an added expense, require a twice-yearly trip to the dealers or simply aren't really necessary. And you can't keep them on permanently because they'll damage the pavement.

They're snow tires and as the winter driving season mercifully seems ready to come to an end in the GTA, the switch back to regular treads for those who have them becomes a 6-month chore.

But what if you never had to make that decision and could avoid the hassle of going from one to the other? That's where a product called "Q Celsius Tires" comes in. The wheels are a remarkable breakthrough in tire technology and could save a lot of lives and a lot of trouble in Canada. 

They feature retractable studs that emerge with the flick of a switch from inside the car. Hit a bad patch of road in the dead of winter and they provide more traction. Reach a section where it's smooth sailing and draw them in.

interesting indeed...

Q Tires - Retractable Studs - NefCanuck - 04-01-2008

Go Go Gadget Tires? :lol:

But seriously, that would certainly solve a lot of problems if they were made inexpensive enough that people wouldn't mind the small price premium to switch to them.


Q Tires - Retractable Studs - ZED_not_zee - 04-01-2008

that's awsome! theyl never be cheap

Q Tires - Retractable Studs - smith21 - 04-01-2008

agreed...govenment is gonna want too much of a chunck of change to make these cheap..but maybe insurance will come down if u show them that u have them equiped on your vehicle :)

Q Tires - Retractable Studs - naz - 04-01-2008

wow. that's cool.

what are winter tires again?


Q Tires - Retractable Studs - ZX3_2NV - 04-02-2008

All i kwow is If the Law passes for manditory winter tires Prices will probablly double

Q Tires - Retractable Studs - Gravter - 04-06-2008

Isn't this an April Fools well done? LoL
Sounds like a great idea, but I don't see it happening.