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Anyone Check Google Today? - darkpuppet - 03-30-2008

Google, as usual, updates their front page to suit today's 1 hour blackout thing..

head to their site to see what they did

pretty neat that they keep coming up with this stuff.

Anyone Check Google Today? - faster_than_u - 03-30-2008

its been like that since last night. i think its gay i mean earth hour!? this whole "omg save the planet" thig is way out of hand

Anyone Check Google Today? - darkpuppet - 03-30-2008

I won't deny that earth hour is about as retarded as it gets...

Anyone Check Google Today? - 02ztsian - 03-30-2008

Who cares. I pay for the amount of electricity I use, or water or natural gas or unleaded premium or whatever. If I choose to "conserve energy" it's to pay less money, not save the Brazilian albino pandas or whatever the f*ck David Suzuki tells me I am killing by not having a cat on my car. If I want to water my lawn 24/7 who cares? I pay for it and it's not like the water is disappearing. It all eventually makes it way back into the ecosystem anyway. So there. Turn off your lights and pat yourself on the back. Feel better?

Anyone Check Google Today? - mister_bin - 03-30-2008

02ztsian,Mar 29 2008, 05:43 PM Wrote:Who cares. I pay for the amount of electricity I use, or water or natural gas or unleaded premium or whatever. If I choose to "conserve energy" it's to pay less money, not save the Brazilian albino pandas or whatever the f*ck David Suzuki tells me I am killing by not having a cat on my car. If I want to water my lawn 24/7 who cares? I pay for it and it's not like the water is disappearing. It all eventually makes it way back into the ecosystem anyway. So there. Turn off your lights and pat yourself on the back. Feel better?

Its about time someone said it... Plus one to you...

Anyone Check Google Today? - ZX5focused - 03-30-2008

i was watching the hockey game, drinking my colld beer out of the fridge and eating some warm food out of the oven during "earth hour"!!!

Anyone Check Google Today? - Canadian ST - 03-30-2008

02ztsian,Mar 29 2008, 06:43 PM Wrote:Who cares. I pay for the amount of electricity I use, or water or natural gas or unleaded premium or whatever. If I choose to "conserve energy" it's to pay less money, not save the Brazilian albino pandas or whatever the f*ck David Suzuki tells me I am killing by not having a cat on my car. If I want to water my lawn 24/7 who cares? I pay for it and it's not like the water is disappearing. It all eventually makes it way back into the ecosystem anyway. So there. Turn off your lights and pat yourself on the back. Feel better?

That was the best rant Ive hears all year!! Thank you.

Anyone Check Google Today? - darkpuppet - 03-30-2008

Canadian ST,Mar 30 2008, 08:57 AM Wrote:
02ztsian,Mar 29 2008, 06:43 PM Wrote:Who cares. I pay for the amount of electricity I use, or water or natural gas or unleaded premium or whatever. If I choose to "conserve energy" it's to pay less money, not save the Brazilian albino pandas or whatever the f*ck David Suzuki tells me I am killing by not having a cat on my car. If I want to water my lawn 24/7 who cares? I pay for it and it's not like the water is disappearing. It all eventually makes it way back into the ecosystem anyway. So there. Turn off your lights and pat yourself on the back. Feel better?

That was the best rant Ive hears all year!! Thank you.

I've heard better... :P :ph34r:

Anyone Check Google Today? - OAC_Sparky - 03-31-2008

Yeah, smart idea shutting off all your lights at 8PM after dark.

I'm sure that replacing kilowatts of clean electricity with 330 million people burning candles for an hour (like the 20 my wife had going) will make a positive impact on our environment. :rolleyes:

Glad the battery was charged on the PSP...

Anyone Check Google Today? - darkpuppet - 03-31-2008

OAC_Sparky,Mar 30 2008, 01:02 PM Wrote:Yeah, smart idea shutting off all your lights at 8PM after dark.

I'm sure that replacing kilowatts of clean electricity with 330 million people burning candles for an hour (like the 20 my wife had going) will make a positive impact on our environment. :rolleyes:

Glad the battery was charged on the PSP...

While you were playing with your PSP did you notice any slow music playing in the background, or a bottle of champaign opened in front of you, or that your wife had sent the kids to the neighbours? Or did you just notice the glare caused by the 20 candles?

Anyone Check Google Today? - NikiterZTS - 03-31-2008


"Leave me alone, let me play my game damn it!"

Anyone Check Google Today? - Aka - 03-31-2008

02ztsian,Mar 29 2008, 06:43 PM Wrote:Who cares. I pay for the amount of electricity I use, or water or natural gas or unleaded premium or whatever. If I choose to "conserve energy" it's to pay less money, not save the Brazilian albino pandas or whatever the f*ck David Suzuki tells me I am killing by not having a cat on my car. If I want to water my lawn 24/7 who cares? I pay for it and it's not like the water is disappearing. It all eventually makes it way back into the ecosystem anyway. So there. Turn off your lights and pat yourself on the back. Feel better?
You come off sounding ignorant. I don't think anyone should use anything excessively just because they can. There isn't much usable water on the planet either. Lots of water, but not lots that's usable. Much of it needs to be processed for us to drink, which again, uses more energy. Water should cost more.

Also, in regard to this whole turn your lights off thing...

IIRC, a 60 watt light bulb emits something like 6 watts of light and the remaining 54 watts is heat. Not very efficient. However, a candle is worse. A candle uses perhaps 60 watts of chemical energy, but emits only 3 watts of light.

I have no idea how this equates into production of either and if it ends up being better which way. But just some numbers for you.

Anyone Check Google Today? - OAC_Sparky - 03-31-2008

darkpuppet,Mar 30 2008, 01:12 PM Wrote:While you were playing with your PSP did you notice any slow music playing in the background, or a bottle of champaign opened in front of you, or that your wife had sent the kids to the neighbours?  Or did you just notice the glare caused by the 20 candles?
Nah, I had my wife, 2 kids, sister-in-law an nephew around me; the kids going "how much time left now??"

Anyone Check Google Today? - 02ztsian - 03-31-2008

Not ignorant, just doing something to make ourselves feel good doesn't affect real change. Just to let you know, I don't water the lawn 24/7 but I do wash my car in the driveway with a Green soap, and I make a "dam" with a second hose to keep the suds on my grass. Not because I love the baby seals but to avoid a $500 fine. And I do recycle to keep excess garbage out of the landfill; we usually have two or three bags a week for 4 adults and two kids. This is to avoid paying a company to recycle my garbage for me.

Anyone Check Google Today? - SVTGuy02 - 04-01-2008

I've changed the majority of the 60W bulbs in my house to those energy efficient 9W bulbs or whatever they are. We get the same amount of light in a nicer tone...... and DEFINATELY noticed a difference on the bill with ALOT less power consumption......

Here in BC the energy is created pretty efficiently, Hydro-electricity.

Alot of other provinces though, use ALOT less environmentally friendly means of creating the electricity. Coal power, Gas Power (Alberta) , and Nuclear (Ontario). Talk about dirty means of energy production.

So, turning your lights off will not require as much energy from these dirty sources, which means theres less demand for more dirty energy. Thats what 'earth hour' and all this environmentally friendlyness translates too.... not $5 savings on your bill :P

Anyone Check Google Today? - NefCanuck - 04-01-2008

The funny thing is that if all people made even only slight changes to their routines they could do a hell of a lot to help the planet and instead have to be legislated into doing so.

Take for example recycling. If everyone did it properly and consistently we would go a long way to reducing our need to produce new items (Case in point, the office where I work the landlord utterly refuses to recycle, even fines from the city have not, so far, changed his position)


Anyone Check Google Today? - darkpuppet - 04-01-2008

NefCanuck,Mar 31 2008, 12:03 PM Wrote:The funny thing is that if all people made even only slight changes to their routines they could do a hell of a lot to help the planet and instead have to be legislated into doing so.

Take for example recycling.  If everyone did it properly and consistently we would go a long way to reducing our need to produce new items (Case in point, the office where I work the landlord utterly refuses to recycle, even fines from the city have not, so far, changed his position)


I'm one of those bad apples... do I go down 10 stories and around back the building in the middle of winter to sort my recycling? or do I toss it down the magic chute and assume it gets sorted on the way down to the trash compactor?

I toss it down the magic chute.

I just haven't gotten into the habbit of rinsing out all my drink/food containers so I don't stink up my appartment... the chute is just too convenient to me.

And that's where recycling fails. It takes effort.. and many people are too lazy to make an effort. including me

Anyone Check Google Today? - SVTGuy02 - 04-01-2008

darkpuppet,Mar 31 2008, 09:08 AM Wrote:I just haven't gotten into the habbit of rinsing out all my drink/food containers so I don't stink up my appartment... the chute is just too convenient to me.

And that's where recycling fails.  It takes effort.. and many people are too lazy to make an effort.  including me

Thats the problem with todays society, it revolves around "how lazy you can be"
Remember people GLUTANY IS A SIN!!! hahah Maybe they should have a chute for cans/bottles and a chute for garbage to PROMOTE your lazy ass from spending 5 of the 1440 minutes you get every single day to put the empty milk jugs and cans/bottles in recycling vs down the hole to nowhere. :lol:

Anyone Check Google Today? - darkpuppet - 04-01-2008

hey, if you don't put crap in landfills, how's it supposed to turn to oil for future generations' use?

Anyone Check Google Today? - Aka - 04-01-2008

02ztsian,Mar 31 2008, 09:30 AM Wrote:Not ignorant, just doing something to make ourselves feel good doesn't affect real change. Just to let you know, I don't water the lawn 24/7 but I do wash my car in the driveway with a Green soap, and I make a "dam" with a second hose to keep the suds on my grass. Not because I love the baby seals but to avoid a $500 fine. And I do recycle to keep excess garbage out of the landfill; we usually have two or three bags a week for 4 adults and two kids. This is to avoid paying a company to recycle my garbage for me.
I'm happy those fines exist then, forcing you to do what you should do anyway.

SVTGuy02,Mar 31 2008, 11:05 AM Wrote:I've changed the majority of the 60W bulbs in my house to those  energy efficient  9W bulbs or whatever they are. We get the same amount of light in a nicer tone...... and DEFINATELY noticed a difference on the bill with ALOT less power consumption......
Remember you can't just throw those out. There's mercury in them. They need to be disposed of properly.

SVTGuy02,Mar 31 2008, 12:35 PM Wrote:Thats the problem with todays society, it revolves around "how lazy you can be"
Remember people  GLUTANY IS A SIN!!! hahah Maybe they should have a chute for cans/bottles and a chute for garbage to PROMOTE your lazy ass from spending 5 of the 1440 minutes you get every single day to put the empty milk jugs and cans/bottles in recycling vs down the hole to nowhere.  :lol:
It wouldn't really work for glass. The bottles would explode at the bottom, which would be dangerous if anyone happened to be near by for whatever reason. A better idea would be to remove the chute.

I think however Toronto will sort your recycling for you now. I recall when I lived in Etobicoke they'd sent me a pamphlet saying something like that. It obviously wont get sorted in the normal garbage, but if you put cardboard in with the cans, it'll get sorted. Apparently.