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My Drive Down Yonge St. - Printable Version

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My Drive Down Yonge St. - darkpuppet - 02-01-2008

So today I was helping a buddy of mine move in to his new place up in new market.

Now, I'm driving up Yonge St. to a Home Depot, my car loaded with 3 people including myself, and come to a light.

I leave the light and hear a car with a leaky exhaust accelerate, and as I accelerate I'm pulling ahead of this guy..

Suddenly, there's 3 honks.


And suddenly there's a cacaphony of sound as the throttle is mashed and the leaky exhaust announces it's presence, and the guy pulls ahead.

Now, there are cars a 100 yards ahead at another red light, and this guy passes me on the right, and then slows -- hazards flashing.

So I once again, got smoked by a broken down asshat who thought he was racing...


The scene would repeat itself once again with a rusted out grand am with stick-on hood scoop and dual pipe tips as I drove back south by myself --

so I actually wondered.. where these people just being polite by honking 3 times before passing? or were they really trying to race? In traffic?

Of course, coming south along yonge, I got cut off by 3 civics, 2 BMW's... and each time they did it just to swerve around me, get caught up in traffic and then get passed by my slow-moving ass....

And then another car.. an orange Caliber I think, swerved around a car pulling off to the right to park, only to NOT TURN THE WHEEL THE OTHER WAY AND CONTINUE INTO THE ONCOMING LANE!

I think the drive finally realized he was in the wrong lane when he met the eyes of the cab driver he was aiming directly for..

So in 30km, and 1 hour of driving, I was 'raced' 3 times, witnessed 5 near misses, and was cut off (to the point where I'd be wearing their rear seats on my hood if I didn't hit the brakes) 4 times.

I really need a camera mount to capture this stuff on film.
the curse of the racing stripe I'm afraid

Oh.. and I spotted this...

[Image: DSC00075.jpg]

[Image: DSC00075a.jpg]

complete with green border... old school!

My Drive Down Yonge St. - NikiterZTS - 02-01-2008

oh first i thought that was my parents Taurus (that you got smoked by :lol: )

My Drive Down Yonge St. - Someguy_ca - 02-01-2008

I think that plate maybe some branch of the military.

My Drive Down Yonge St. - naz - 02-01-2008

do you also have that appearance package that put fog lights in the front grille? maybe ppl think you drive a GT, and therefore would like to race?

or maybe ppl recognize it is a v6 and want to try and remind you that you are missing 2 cylinders by laying the smack down?

either way that's annoying

i suffer from the curse of the hood scoop myself. a caliber SRT4 wanted to drag race IN THE RAIN the other night :blink:

My Drive Down Yonge St. - Oscar The Grouch - 02-01-2008

naz,Jan 31 2008, 09:02 PM Wrote:do you also have that appearance package that put fog lights in the front grille?  maybe ppl think you drive a GT, and therefore would like to race?

I think its the stripes! :lol:

My Drive Down Yonge St. - mo_focus - 02-01-2008

green plate is military, nothing to do with old school. The only thing old school is your driving :)

come on!!! it's yonge street. People get shot and killed there these days. you need to drive crazy weave in and out of traffic to miss the bullets. You are trully lucky that you didnt get shot and killed today :D

My Drive Down Yonge St. - ZX3_2NV - 02-01-2008

yup i saw militray police cars the other day with the same plates didn't even know they exsistsed

and i think its the stripes they prob think its modded up

My Drive Down Yonge St. - oldeguy - 02-02-2008

The "racers" probably thought you were a "gino" who wants to race all the time, afterall, you've got the racing stripes. :lol:

My Drive Down Yonge St. - Blackheart4355 - 02-02-2008


Just thought I'd let you guys know that yes indeed the plates pictured above are military licence plates or as we call them CFR's which means Canadian Forces Registration. They can be found on all types of military vehicles from ATV's and snowmobiles to tanks and LAV III's including all civillian pattered staff cars, which is what is pictured.

2NV you noted you saw a Military Police vehicle as well. I would like to pass on here a bit of knowledge with regards to MP's and their juristiction, as I get asked this alot...can an MP stop me, a civillian for driving infractions, etc?? The simple answer is yes, on Dept of Defence property. Or if you are found committing an indictable offence elsewhere the member can stop the offence from happening or continuing, and then call in the local PD. So that being said, here are a few places in Toronto that are DND property. Fort York Armouries, Dennison Armouries, Moss Park Armouries and what's left of CFB Toronto in Downsview, including DND housing. So if you are caught breaking the law in those areas, MP's will deal with the file.

My Drive Down Yonge St. - darkpuppet - 02-02-2008

^^-- that's good to know...

tho, not sure why I thought it was one of the pre-provincial plates plate... guess I just assumed the most unlikely scenario..

My Drive Down Yonge St. - NefCanuck - 02-02-2008

You drive a Mustang DP, you'll get dragged by baby boomers driving Cadilliac seeking to recapture their wayward youth :P


My Drive Down Yonge St. - naz - 02-02-2008

hey so... near where i live GT500 drivers are chill but v6 drivers are ridic and wreckless (presumably to compensate for the lack of $$ and motor with MaDD SkillZ)

so its kind of justify that most people assume v6 stang drivers always want to race!

My Drive Down Yonge St. - darkpuppet - 02-02-2008

naz,Feb 1 2008, 02:16 PM Wrote:hey so... near where i live GT500 drivers are chill but v6 drivers are ridic and wreckless (presumably to compensate for the lack of $$ and motor with MaDD SkillZ)

so its kind of justify that most people assume v6 stang drivers always want to race!

it's just interesting that so many broken down jalopies want to race... with the focus, once the whale tail went on, it attracted mostly ricers -- the stand attracts broke down hicks..

My Drive Down Yonge St. - Flofocus - 02-02-2008

so, you didnt win any of them?

My Drive Down Yonge St. - ZX3_2NV - 02-02-2008

Yaa it was weird when i saw the Military Police vehicle i spotted him and though it was werid then i drove by an accident and there was another Militray police care dealing with a traffic accident it was at eglinton and young whats in that area?

My Drive Down Yonge St. - Flofocus - 02-02-2008

..and you guys think regular police are a PITA to deal with? :lol:

Dont f*** with the MP's.

-Base brat from CFB Penhold, CFB Regina, CFB Montreal


My Drive Down Yonge St. - Blackheart4355 - 02-02-2008

ZX3_2NV,Feb 1 2008, 05:30 PM Wrote:Yaa it was weird when i saw the Military Police vehicle i spotted him and though it was werid then i drove by an accident and there was another Militray police care dealing with a traffic accident it was at eglinton and young whats in that area?

May have been a Military Vehicle involved, or they may have been first on the scene. That being said Young and Eglington isn't too far from Downsview.

My Drive Down Yonge St. - naz - 02-03-2008

Flofocus,Feb 1 2008, 10:02 PM Wrote:so, you didnt win any of them?

that would suck