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Bill Gates Last Day Of Work - Printable Version

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Bill Gates Last Day Of Work - dBlast - 01-08-2008

Bill Gates drives a 2008 Ford Focus to his last day at work at Microsoft:

Last day of work spoof video

Bill Gates Last Day Of Work - darkpuppet - 01-09-2008

that's how I want to remember Bill Gates.. the guy that owned the world, but could still make fun of himself...

I take it he made a pretty good 'campaign' donation to the democrats too.

Has anyone seen the clip of him playing guitar hero III at CES?

Bill Gates Last Day Of Work - euro_zx5 - 01-09-2008

:lol: That was great! Kudos to Bill for his willingness, or so it seems.

Bill Gates Last Day Of Work - NefCanuck - 01-09-2008

All I can say is, he's lucky he wasn't at Microsoft Canada with that Focus...

Then he'd get mauled by "Lion Man" on his way to work for stealing his car :D


Bill Gates Last Day Of Work - darkpuppet - 01-09-2008

euro_zx5,Jan 8 2008, 07:16 PM Wrote::lol: That was great! Kudos to Bill for his willingness, or so it seems.

Of course he's willing.... sure he may get laughed at a lot to his expense, but at the end of the day, the truth is this.

If Bill Gates forgets his wallet at home, he has to send an armored truck to go pick it up for him.

sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never penetrate my billfold