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Window Tint - Gravter - 12-06-2007

Well, I knew the day would arrive someday, but not as soon as this.
Got pulled over near my place yesterday because of my dark window tint.
It was only a matter of time because the SQ (sureté du Québec) have been huntng down any vehicule with its front windows tinted.
The legal tint has to have 70% of light going through, I had about 15% of light making it in!
So, to all you Quebec residents... watch out... you might be the next "victim".

Back to my story, I gave him my papers he went to his, I rolled down my window and started to peel off my tint and showed him "there, you won't need to bother me anymore"!
He gave me back my papers and left!
This was the second time my car was stopped because of the tint.
I paid the first one, but this time I said f it.

Window Tint - Canadian ST - 12-06-2007

That sucks, my cousin had the same thing happen to him. Once he was pulled over he opened up his sunroof to let light into his car and he got away with no ticket cause the light was getting through the thinking.

Window Tint - Gravter - 12-07-2007

My car looks like crap now!
Oh well, it doesn't pay to be "illegal"!
They (yes, there was 2 cops that came out to my car) made me feel like some terrorist/drug dealer/murderer/ what ever else...
This is mostly due to a cop beeing shot last year when he approched a car with tinted windows which he could not easily see the driver.

anyhoo, its off now and wont be putting anything else.
I was thinking of putting the "cling on" tint on my fronts and if ever one car would pull me over, I'd remove them before he ever made it to my car! bahh, too much trouble, screw it... I'm in a pissy mood this week.... xmas must be close!
bahhh humbug

Window Tint - Burnin21 - 12-07-2007

It doesn't pay to be "Legal" either. :lol:
Anyways i've been lucky with my tint I have 15% as well but I've only been bothered at ride programs about it. I've never been given a ticket, just warned. At least you didnt get a ticket this time!

Window Tint - cornflakes - 12-08-2007

yeah...this is what i mean about the coppers. When i got pulled over for doing 72 in a 50 on a clear hot day with no cars on the 4 lane road, i felt like i was a terrorist or a guy on the "Most Wanted" list the way they treat you and walk over like you're about to get arrested.

until the cops can say they have under control the gun problem, gangs, violence, killings/shootings, robberies and the likes..... stuff like, +5 over the accepted limit on an empty road with excellent visibility and road conditions, or "windows are too dark" is just silly.

I'll give them one thing, they are way too good at pulling cars over and giving everyone a miserable life with tickets and increased insurance rates.....maybe too good.

Window Tint - cornflakes - 12-08-2007

oh yeah, someone made the point about the dark tinted windows and how criminals might have a gun and the cop can't see.......true that is understandable but where will u draw the line? They might as well arrest black people cuz u can't see them in the dark and they might have gun to fire at u.

Or why not make black cars illegal because u can't see them well in the dark and u might get into accidents. Yeah im sorry that a cop gets shot cuz a guy is holding a gun and can't be seen cuz of his front tinted windows, maybe the cop shouldn't have let his guard down and walked in the manner that he did....but that's like 0.001 percent of the entire population.....why are the rest of the populous suffering for stupid things like this. It's not like 1 out of every 10 guy behind the wheel and tinted front windows is ready to pull out an ak47 or machete when they get pulled over.

If they are so concerned about getting shot at through dark front tinted windows, then why don't they do something about the GUN problem in the first place. Making everyone have clear front windows is implying that its ok then to have guns in the car as long as we can see them and have a fair warning to duck for cover.

They might as well make front doors of houses and apts illegal unless its all see through cuz u never know when a cop goes to knock on the door of a house call, he might get shot through the door? Yeah, let's make all the doors transparent so that cops can see who is coming to the door when he knocks or rings the door bell.


Window Tint - Gravter - 12-08-2007

rofl ... ;)
thanks for me making me laugh... i feel better :)
cheers everyone