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Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - Printable Version

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Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - zx5power - 09-05-2007

Well ive gotten into a little bender yesterday and im now in need of a rear bumper , if im gonna replace it ill be getting not stock ... there is just some bends in it nothing to bad ....

I walked out across the parking lot to leave got in started the car turned around started backing up nothing was coming ... when I turned to make sure my front end was clearing the car beside me when turning a car come outta nowhere and I backed into it ... contacted police and they said since noone was hurt to take each others insurance info ...

I called my insurance and told them what had happend and they said that the whole 50..50 in parking lots is a myth in new brunswick a new law passed as of january that it is pretty much 50..50 everywhere!

I didnt make a claim for my rear bumper and my insurance company said that she would have to make a claim with her insurance to fix her car the only way she can sue my insurance is if shes injured.

:huh: hope she dont decide shes injured ,, I was backing up without even pressing the gas one foot on brake with the idling backing me up ... it sucks and im so nerved up still .. insurance is gonna be going back up .

My bumper is hardly bent just a lil and her passenger door is completely crushed so I guess ford is built ford tough ... didnt break a plastic bumper but crushed a door of a mazda protege.

:unsure: I just hope it goes the way the insurance said it does ,

anyone know where I can get a rear bumper ?

My Bumper crease
[Image: DSC01047.jpg]

Her Car
[Image: DSC01038.jpg]
[Image: DSC01041.jpg]

Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - ANTHONYD - 09-05-2007


Was she polite?

If I were you, I'd try and fix all that without going to insurance companies.

Ask her to get quotes and see if you can cover it on the ol' Visa card.

Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - NOS2Go4Me - 09-06-2007

Screw it, if it's 50-50 make her suffer. They'd do the same to you.

Go SVT rear cover... ;)

Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - zx5power - 09-06-2007

they said only way she can sue my insurance is if she is injured which she obviously wasnt and she said she was in a previous accident last week so if she says shes injured im gonna try get a lawyer to fight that she could have already been injured .

anywhere know where sells svt rear covers at decent price ?

Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - zx5power - 09-06-2007

hell no she wasnt polite she said " why werent you ^##%&#$ watching blah blah blah "

I told her "the speed limit in here lady is 10km how fast were you going "

then she wasnt to bad ... I have to walk across where the cars are coming from and its an entire straight stretch so she was cruising.

Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - OAC_Sparky - 09-06-2007

I was once here you are. The 50-50 thing is a fallacy. 95% of the time, if you were the one in reverse, you will be assessed the majority of the blame because you backed out in front of her. It doesn't matter how fast she was going, from a legal standpoint it's easier to prove that she was seated looking in the direction of travel and you were not.

The exact same thing happened to me back when I was 20, a dealership employee was using a customer's brand new ordered car to run to the bank on his lunch; he was flying and clipped my rear bumper as I was backing out (just idling). Unfortunately, if you've ever seen the length of a Torino, there's a lot of trunk to back out before you can see what's coming down an aisle:

[Image: ford7201b.jpg]

Almost totalled a brand new Escort GT, I couldn't afford to cover it, so my insurance suffered a while.

So your best bet is to try and pay it out of pocket (if you can), because even if it's 50-50 it will still count as an accident against your record. Depending on your age and standing with the insurance company the long-term pain might not offset the short-term gain.

And if I learned anything from my own accident, always back into a spot every time you can. You have a better feel for what's around you, and you are likely more careful parking than you are leaving.

Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - zx5power - 09-06-2007

pretty much wont be a claim againt me unless she says shes hurt they said in newbrunswick there is a "no fault" insurance

Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - OAC_Sparky - 09-06-2007

I would check if I were you. "No fault" doesn't mean anything other than "your company pays for your damage, her company pays for hers".

It used to be that if you hit someone and you were at fault, your company would pay for damage to both cars. That used to take up a lot of time getting claims settled while the insurance companies bickered over who was at fault and who should pay. That's why it's "no fault" now. In no fault accidents they still assess blame and raise rates accordingly. It will still count as an accident. At least in Ontario and most other places I know of. Unless NB bucks the trend, but I have my doubts.

Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - zx5power - 09-06-2007

oh yah im not doubting it going up but atleast I dont gotta pay my 1000 deductible .

Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - snorcus - 09-06-2007

Too bad she showed up behind you. Good thing fords are tough though, not a big bill to fix your car by the looks of it. Hopefully it will all just go away.

Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - naz - 09-06-2007

i agree with oac.. you'll probably be at fault since you were reversing.. you should calculate your insurance increase compared to how much you owe out of pocket. it might be worth it to go through insurance? good luck!

Well Guys Got In A Accident Yesterday Up - SliverSteeda - 09-07-2007

the whole 50/50 in Nb is a load of crap... my buddies wife got into a similar accident 2 months ago and in NB the rules are not in your favor.

oac is totally right. once you put your car in reverse... she could have been doing warp 2 and its still your fault.

And whats even better... if she goes through insurance You HAVE to take your car to a autobody shop to get your car fixed. We wanted to fix hers but the insurance laws say no dice for "safety reasons".

And even better cause you contacted your insurance company and the police... theres a good chance, if you don't go through insurance they will conduct a follow up by a adjuster. which will cause a huge problem.
