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Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - CanadaSVT - 08-10-2007

Looks like Ford has decided to hurry the death of this plant. They had been talking December but now early November. Another blow to Windsors economy.

The Record

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - NefCanuck - 08-10-2007

Weird, article says it was scheduled to shut the plant in mid November but now the date has been pushed back to Nov 9.

Something else must be happening to get them to bother changing a closing date by a week :blink: :huh:

Geez, if Windsor didn't have the casino, they'd be well & truly screwed now :(


Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - CanadaSVT - 08-10-2007

NefCanuck,Aug 9 2007, 09:16 AM Wrote:Geez, if Windsor didn't have the casino, they'd be well & truly screwed now :(
I guess you haven't been to Windsor lately. The MGM Grand Detroit Casino is keeping the Americans away, but at least now the downtown isn't so filled with garbage tossed out car windows.

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - NefCanuck - 08-10-2007

Ouch... not good...


Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - OAC_Sparky - 08-10-2007

I started my career at Ford there in 1988. My dad retired from there after 30 years at Ford. Sad.

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - CanadaSVT - 08-10-2007

OAC_Sparky,Aug 9 2007, 09:53 PM Wrote:I started my career at Ford there in 1988. My dad retired from there after 30 years at Ford. Sad.
The real sad part is when you started working with me in Oakville! :P

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - ZX5focused - 08-10-2007

CanadaSVT,Aug 9 2007, 11:01 AM Wrote:
NefCanuck,Aug 9 2007, 09:16 AM Wrote:Geez, if Windsor didn't have the casino, they'd be well & truly screwed now :(
I guess you haven't been to Windsor lately. The MGM Grand Detroit Casino is keeping the Americans away, but at least now the downtown isn't so filled with garbage tossed out car windows.

have you been downtown on a weekend night???? its a freaking mess wiht all the drunks stumbling around and stupid americans causing s*** like crazy cause they cant hold their liqour!!

and ya windsor is really hurting right now hopefully things start to turn around and we get some new industries here.

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - OAC_Sparky - 08-10-2007

CanadaSVT,Aug 9 2007, 10:56 PM Wrote:The real sad part is when you started working with me in Oakville!   :P
I'm still trying to figure out who got the crappier end of the stick, my friend.


Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - ZED_not_zee - 08-11-2007

ZX5focused,Aug 9 2007, 10:14 PM Wrote:
CanadaSVT,Aug 9 2007, 11:01 AM Wrote:
NefCanuck,Aug 9 2007, 09:16 AM Wrote:Geez, if Windsor didn't have the casino, they'd be well & truly screwed now :(
I guess you haven't been to Windsor lately. The MGM Grand Detroit Casino is keeping the Americans away, but at least now the downtown isn't so filled with garbage tossed out car windows.

have you been downtown on a weekend night???? its a freaking mess wiht all the drunks stumbling around and stupid americans causing s*** like crazy cause they cant hold their liqour!!

and ya windsor is really hurting right now hopefully things start to turn around and we get some new industries here.

well it's that attitude that keeps jobs from coming into to our city... my Dad to retired from Essex Engine... he was lucky

the problem with windsor is it's work force is LAZY they expect above average pay for minimal work and education... so many times I've herd "I won't get off my couch for less than $25/hr"

the union was great when people had to line up every day for there jobs and people got beat up... but theyve taken too much made the work force soft.. and now Windsor is paying for it.

for those who got greedy and kept pushing for more break time vaction and higher wages... thanks...

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - ZX5focused - 08-11-2007

ZED_not_zee,Aug 10 2007, 10:15 AM Wrote:
ZX5focused,Aug 9 2007, 10:14 PM Wrote:
CanadaSVT,Aug 9 2007, 11:01 AM Wrote:
NefCanuck,Aug 9 2007, 09:16 AM Wrote:Geez, if Windsor didn't have the casino, they'd be well & truly screwed now :(
I guess you haven't been to Windsor lately. The MGM Grand Detroit Casino is keeping the Americans away, but at least now the downtown isn't so filled with garbage tossed out car windows.

have you been downtown on a weekend night???? its a freaking mess wiht all the drunks stumbling around and stupid americans causing s*** like crazy cause they cant hold their liqour!!

and ya windsor is really hurting right now hopefully things start to turn around and we get some new industries here.

well it's that attitude that keeps jobs from coming into to our city... my Dad to retired from Essex Engine... he was lucky

the problem with windsor is it's work force is LAZY they expect above average pay for minimal work and education... so many times I've herd "I won't get off my couch for less than $25/hr"

the union was great when people had to line up every day for there jobs and people got beat up... but theyve taken too much made the work force soft.. and now Windsor is paying for it.

for those who got greedy and kept pushing for more break time vaction and higher wages... thanks...

i agree wiht you completely and ive studied it a bit a school. the union is/was great for many things, but it has definitely created the workers that hide behind it and use it as an excuse

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - meford4u - 08-11-2007

I see this issue every day with the older workforce at Ford. Luckily, and I am one of the lucky ones who got a job, when Ford expanded and hired about 1200(I think that number is right) in 1993-94, many of us had a college education, university educated or a trade where they were certified. Those co-workers I find are the easiest to work with as they see the merit in the job we do together and don't take for granted that Ford owes us anything. We owe alot to the company that puts bread and butter on our tables and gives us the standard of living over and above the call of duty. It's a boring monotonous job, believe me. But I will never become set in my ways where I believe the company owes me anything. I owe them for the standard of living they have made for my family and the comfort of my home.

On another contreversial note, we are hearing rumblings in the plant about Windsor. This is a long story and detailed, so I will try and carry the major points. Ford has been talking about cutting our shift(midnights) come Sept. 10th. This would place another 300 on layoff along with the 350 we have on layoff now. The issue with Windsor is that part of the deal with the union to close the plant was to allow early retirements or a choice to take a buyout package or take a job in Oakville. We have heard some 80 plus members have accepted in principle to come to Oakville. Problem is, no one in our facility can be on layoff before we bring in these members from Windsor. So this is a violation of the agreement Ford had with the union, and we hear(rumour) that the Windsor local is looking at suing Ford if this isn't rectified soon. The union is trying to force Ford's hand in bringing new product to the facility and soon. We hope they are succesful in bringing more jobs to the area and increasing our production.
Will we lose that shift? Doubtful. It would take 3 months minimum to get things straightened around with all the movements of jobs losing one shift and bumping junior people out of the department. When we launch the Flex in March, they need the 3rd shift to build inventory for the dealers for a minimum of 6 months. In the meantime, the Edge is selling well and getting better by the month in sales. It really would be a dumb idea to lose the shift and put things in turmoil again. But this is life anywhere you work. Be ready for the unexpected.

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - CanadaSVT - 08-12-2007

ZX5focused,Aug 10 2007, 03:34 PM Wrote:i agree wiht you completely and ive studied it a bit a school.  the union is/was great for many things, but it has definitely created the workers that hide behind it and use it as an excuse
Just wondering what school that would be and what course you studied it in. If it was a labour studies class and you have walked away with this opinion I'd suggest the professor quit.

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - ZX5focused - 08-12-2007

CanadaSVT,Aug 11 2007, 10:30 AM Wrote:
ZX5focused,Aug 10 2007, 03:34 PM Wrote:i agree wiht you completely and ive studied it a bit a school.  the union is/was great for many things, but it has definitely created the workers that hide behind it and use it as an excuse
Just wondering what school that would be and what course you studied it in. If it was a labour studies class and you have walked away with this opinion I'd suggest the professor quit.

sorry, i have studied it, but i also went into the class with personal opinions and experiences i have heard from my father whos worked in many union environments (none automotive) as a upper level manager. i also work in a union environment as a non-union employee, and people there abuse the union like crazy.

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - ZED_not_zee - 08-12-2007

a good friend of mine took labor studies at the U of W and applied along with 4000 other people for his labor relations job on bay street for the province.... and he has the exact same opinion as ZX focused and I ?

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - CanadaSVT - 08-12-2007

ZED_not_zee,Aug 11 2007, 07:38 PM Wrote:a good friend of mine took labor studies at the U of W and applied along with 4000 other people for his labor relations job  on bay street for the province....  and he has the exact same opinion as ZX focused and I ?
To each his own. You have the same opinion as some LR Bay St. type and think that is a good thing? My wife turned down a $100,000 scholarship at UW, but I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the school.
I think the main reason, besides Ford's mismanagement, for the downward spiral Ford is in is due to the public not supporting their neighbours. My father-in-law owned a few businesses in Windsor, including an independant restaurant for over 25 years. Smart man who always purchased a Chrysler or Ford. He knew if he didn't buy local then who would support him?
Blame the union and/or lazy people if it makes ya happy.

Peace :)

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - ZX5focused - 08-12-2007

ZED_not_zee,Aug 11 2007, 08:38 PM Wrote:a good friend of mine took labor studies at the U of W and applied along with 4000 other people for his labor relations job  on bay street for the province....  and he has the exact same opinion as ZX focused and I ?

i studied with Sean and we have had a few discussions and i know his opinions on many issues. he was in a few classes that i took.

this is too complex an issue to discuss over the internet and there have been many attempts at doing so and it jsut doesnt work. there is too much information to convey that cannot be put into one or two posts. like i said, i have my opinions from actual experiences and enjoy a discussion wiht anyone willing to have one.

and for the record, the guy that me and zed not zee are reffering too is very active in the labour force here in windsor, includding attending many union meetings and trying to learn as much as possible about what he is studying/studied in school even though he has no affiliations with anyone.

i am not saying i am pro management or pro union i am jsut saying that as with anything else, there are people who abuse the system.

i beleive we can alll agree on that.

Death Of Ford Essex Engine Plant - CanadaSVT - 08-13-2007

ZX5focused,Aug 12 2007, 02:30 AM Wrote:
ZED_not_zee,Aug 11 2007, 08:38 PM Wrote:a good friend of mine took labor studies at the U of W and applied along with 4000 other people for his labor relations job  on bay street for the province....  and he has the exact same opinion as ZX focused and I ?

i studied with Sean and we have had a few discussions and i know his opinions on many issues. he was in a few classes that i took.

this is too complex an issue to discuss over the internet and there have been many attempts at doing so and it jsut doesnt work. there is too much information to convey that cannot be put into one or two posts. like i said, i have my opinions from actual experiences and enjoy a discussion wiht anyone willing to have one.

i am not saying i am pro management or pro union i am jsut saying that as with anything else, there are people who abuse the system.

i beleive we can alll agree on that.

Good post. Very complex issue! BTW my 2 year old actually slept through the night so I am in a much more agreeable mood today. Sleep is good! :blink: