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Got A Scary Phonecall At Work Today - NefCanuck - 05-31-2007

Man, what a way to start a workday...

So I get into the office today and get a phone call from my stepmother... Now for her to call me at work means one of two things:

1) Their house burned down


2) Something is wrong with my dad

Guess which one it is? :(

Apparently my father was having problems with his bathroom functions the past few days (IE: couldn't go at all) and so went to see his doctor yesterday. He gets there and he gets sent to emergency STAT where they proceed to drain him and they decided to keep him overnight for observation.

Turns out now that they now want to keep him "a few days" to figure out what the hell is going on, but my guess based on what I know so far says prostate problems and likely serious ones, given his age (66) and other medical issues (diabetes) and past family history (His father died of stomach cancer in his 40's)

and the best part? While my stepmother is telling me all this she's telling me "not to panic" Uh WTF? :blink: you're damn right I'm gonna panic... as soon as I know what hospital room he's been assigned to I'm there like a bat out of hell :angry:

Sorry, needed to vent... I'm so frigging worried right now I'm ready to climb the walls :ph34r:


Got A Scary Phonecall At Work Today - D-Dub - 05-31-2007

Hey man hang in there........hopefully its something some pills can fix and not a knife.

Got A Scary Phonecall At Work Today - ANTHONYD - 05-31-2007

Hang in there Danny.

My prayers are with you.

Stay calm and be nice to the staff once you get there.

Please keep us informed.

Got A Scary Phonecall At Work Today - oldeguy - 05-31-2007

My prayers are with you.
It could be something as simple as an infection, I hope.
Don't take any bull from the Hospital, get some answers.

Got A Scary Phonecall At Work Today - dlb - 05-31-2007

Hope he's OK - I lost my Dad Jan '06 - I know how you feel. He was 78 and we talked on the phone 3-4 times a week. Miss him bigtime !! Hang in their and tell him how you feel !!

Got A Scary Phonecall At Work Today - Alec Brandon - 05-31-2007

66 is young, you're dad has years ahead of him.

My father has been in the hospital 28 times (yes we keep count).
Once on my birthday he was clenching his chest and fell over.
We called 911 in a panic, went to the hosptial, and he was looked over by a bunch of doctors and interns.

Finally a doctor who looked like he was over 90, right in front of us grabed a tube, stuck it down my fathers throat about 12 inches as my father let our the loudest BURP you have every heard. It's amazing that not being able to burp properly can cause your chest to fill up with gas producing chest pains.

That was one Birthday we will all never forget!

Got A Scary Phonecall At Work Today - Frost__2001 - 05-31-2007

I'm sure he'll pull thru NefCanuck after all, your his son, and you have a very strong will I might add, so I'm sure he'll be out and about in a few days.

Got A Scary Phonecall At Work Today - torradan - 05-31-2007

Oh noes! :(

Hang in there, I'm sure he'll be just fine! Just had a clog in the wizzer!

Keep us posted! :)

Got A Scary Phonecall At Work Today - NefCanuck - 05-31-2007


Got back from the hospital about an hour ago now (He was up in Newmarket a good hour away from me normally, but driving up there after work? try nearly an hour and a half :rolleyes:)

Anyways, right now they aren't quite sure what clogged up the works, but the doctor suspects that his pancreas may have shut down in reaction to the pills he takes for the diabetes. If that's the case, it's likely he has to go on to needles to control his blood sugar :blink:

I've never seen him look as frail as he did today (Heck, I clapped him on the shoulder and felt his shoulder blade -shudder-) I told him if either he or his wife need anything to ring me up... I wanna make sure he sticks around as long as he's able to.


(Thanks for the well wishes folks, it certainly is appreciaed)

Got A Scary Phonecall At Work Today - Burnin21 - 05-31-2007

Hang in there buddy, he'll be just fine, you gotta remember time heals all. My prayers are with you bud