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Taekwondo Federation Upholds Ban On Wearing Hijabs - Printable Version

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Taekwondo Federation Upholds Ban On Wearing Hijabs - Frost__2001 - 05-16-2007

I thought this was interesting, just because the ruling makes sence.


Taekwondo Federation Upholds Ban On Wearing Hijabs - NOS2Go4Me - 05-16-2007

Rules are rules and sports are not compulsory. No one has a gun to anyone's head to force them into playing a sport... except a few Communist and extreme religious countries trying to promote national "pride" at the Olympics :lol:

If you defer to one, you should defer to all... it's only right. No one in this life is any better than anyone else, and this ruling proves that all folks are equal... at least in Taekwondo. :D

Taekwondo Federation Upholds Ban On Wearing Hijabs - torradan - 05-16-2007

Rules are rules. Sorry about your luck, kid.

You already have head protection on, thats good enough, your head is covered. Replace your scarf with the helmet in private if you need to.

Taekwondo Federation Upholds Ban On Wearing Hijabs - mo_focus - 05-16-2007

hehe, BURN :) suckerssssss :)

Glad to see someone's got balls for once. I'm tired of this s***. I'm tired of seeing freaking muslims bringing religion into every f***ing thing in life. If you like your religion so much, good for you but please keep it to yourself.

Before anyone starts snaping at me for making comments like that, don't worry i'm a muslim as well :), but unlike these idiots, i don't go around trying to change the world to make it a better place for myself.

Taekwondo Federation Upholds Ban On Wearing Hijabs - oldeguy - 05-16-2007

mo_focus,May 15 2007, 11:59 AM Wrote:hehe, BURN :) suckerssssss :)

Glad to see someone's got balls for once. I'm tired of this s***. I'm tired of seeing freaking muslims bringing religion into every f***ing thing in life. If you like your religion so much, good for you but please keep it to yourself. 

Before anyone starts snaping at me for making comments like that, don't worry i'm a muslim as well :), but unlike these idiots, i don't go around trying to change the world to make it a better place for myself.
I am a Christian. Is it not the idea of most religions, including mine, to have the entire world having the same Faith? However, I do believe that we must allow people to practice their Faith, wherever they are, within the parameters of the culture that they are living in Which means, I think, that the persons involved should realize there are times when they must adhere to the rules of the group they are wanting to join.