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A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - Printable Version

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A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - SVT ZX3 - 05-03-2007

......Keyed my fu@king Focus yesterday. Seriously what the hell is wrong with people??? Must of been personal because its a pretty deep scratch (done with feeling by the looks of it) but I can't think of anyone I've pissed off lately and I've had to park on the street at my apartment building due to repairs in the parkade so I'm not even sure it was at home or at work. Its about 10 inches long on the drivers side quarter panel and its just staring me in the face everytime I go near the car. &^*%&^#%#!#@!!@!1!!@#!@~!!!!!!!!1!1!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:
As Vincent Vega (John Travolta) said in Pulp Ficton "It would have been worth them doing it, just to be there to catch them doing it"

-end rant.....Any one else ever had this done to them?

A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - ANTHONYD - 05-03-2007

SVT ZX3,May 2 2007, 11:02 AM Wrote:......Keyed my fu@king Focus yesterday. Seriously what the hell is wrong with people??? Must of been personal because its a pretty deep scratch (done with feeling by the looks of it) but I can't think of anyone I've pissed off lately and I've had to park on the street at my apartment building due to repairs in the parkade so I'm not even sure it was at home or at work. Its about 10 inches long on the drivers side quarter panel and its just staring me in the face everytime I go near the car. &^*%&^#%#!#@!!@!1!!@#!@~!!!!!!!!1!1!!!  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:
As Vincent Vega (John Travolta) said in Pulp Ficton "It would have been worth them doing it, just to be there to catch them doing it"

-end rant.....Any one else ever had this done to them?

Cost my dad 3500.00 last year.

Buckle up.


A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - NOS2Go4Me - 05-03-2007

I'm only being half-smart here, but do you have any Detroit paraphernelia (sp?) in the car?

That sucks, dude.

A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - NefCanuck - 05-03-2007

That sucks... and its that deep? crap, repaint time :ph34r:


A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - 02ztsian - 05-03-2007

Vince Vega and Jules Winnfield would go medieval on their ass!

A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - reldridge - 05-03-2007

Somebody keyed my Mustang down to the bare metal one time... Luckily it was only about 10 inches that they really got, I was able to touch it up and polish it clean. Thank god for non-clearcoat paint.

Sorry to hear though. What does insurance say?


A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - hardk0re - 05-03-2007

A few cars have been getting keyed at my work lately...apparently if someone THINKS you've parked too close to them they take it upon themselves to key your car, or give you a huge dent.

People are sometimes real stupid about could have been you parked too close, your car looks like one that cut them off a day before, or maybe they think your someone else....

A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - SVT ZX3 - 05-03-2007

LoL, no Detroit stickers on my car but there are lots of Flames fans in MB.....I haven't talked to Manitoba Public Insurance yet but I do have $300.00 deductible on my car so I'm going to get a few quotes after work for the repair and if they quote me over $300.00 then I'll just make a claim through MPI. The worst part is I always park in a stall on the end of the row and slightly out into the isle (not far enough to obstruct anyone trying to get by but far enough that the car on the other side of me has a good 3-4 feet space). Just sucks feeling violated but not knowing who it was to lash out against....

A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - PARKINGLOT - 05-03-2007

it happened to me like 6 months ago....big key mark on the hood, and on the pass. fender. I filled them in with touch up pen and forgot about it, the car needs a good stripping and paintjob so I didn't care...

A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - winnipegkevin - 05-03-2007

Sorry to hear that. I guess the stang will be going for sure to the Ford show in a couple of weeks.

A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - NOS2Go4Me - 05-03-2007

I know how you feel, man. That happened to my last Focus at the grocery store. Parked like every other day, came out to a golf ball-sized ding at the top of the front wheel arch on the passenger's side, caused by a door.

No note, no "haha you're f***ed"... nothing. Now I park well away from other cars and I only use that grocery store when I have to.

Hopefully your car gets fixed soon!

A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - K_OS - 05-04-2007

I know how you feel, I took the Mini to Montreal for a show one weekend back in 2000 and left the ZX3 parked in front of my parents house came back from a great weekend of partying to a huge letdown as some dumbass had keyed the left side of the car, I only had the car for less than 3 weeks at that time and I had to pay to get it painted.

Laterz :)

A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - focusracer - 05-08-2007

I walked out of a restaurant a couple yrs ago, noticed a scratch and dent on my passenger side door. Good sized too. Saw note on the windshield, thought "Oh good they left their info." I'll never forget the words of that note.

"Hi. I hit your car with my door. people saw me, they think I'm leaving my info for you. Just waved to one of them."

I'd really like to meet him...

A Great Big Fack You To Whomever..... - NikiterZTS - 05-08-2007


what an ass