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Excellent Wine Trail Tour Deal! - Printable Version

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Excellent Wine Trail Tour Deal! - torradan - 04-23-2007

Niagara Wine Trail

If anyone is looking for a day out to taste wines and things, I highly recommend this!

We did it yesterday.. it was $10 for a glass per person, and there are about 10 wineries within 40 miles of my house that take part. By about the 7th winery, wifey was feeling the effects so we didn't finish. Being the responsible one, i only had a taste at every other winery.

Was very fun though. Every place offered tastings of anywhere from 3-as many as you want wines. Most offered some form of food as well.

Wines were reasonably priced as well, anywhere from $8-15/bottle. Ended up bringing home 6 bottles.

Side note: All of the ones we found on Niagara-On-The-Lake were over $80/person, but they drove you to each place. We liked the on-your-own type of deal we did, so we could go to whichever ones we wanted.