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Everyone Should Visit Up North! - ex1z7 - 04-04-2007

Well! You southern folk had some pretty awesome weather a few weeks ago when it still sucked up here, but let me tell you this!! Today was so wicked that, I think everyone should visit Thunder Bay, right on Lake Superior, cus, well, it's straight up sun tanning weather man!


That whole "global warming" thing is a joke, c'mon. It's April 3rd and we're getting 10+ inches.

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - darkpuppet - 04-04-2007

hope my mom didn't put the snowblower away yet.

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - torradan - 04-04-2007

We're supposed to get some of that nasty stuff for the next few days. :(

Just in time for Easter travel. yay!

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - Focus man. Focus. - 04-04-2007

Yeah, I was just watching the news and for the next 3 days we are supposed to be getting flurries. You got to love this weather.

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - vy_MR2 - 04-04-2007

Focus man, Focus.,Apr 4 2007, 11:56 AM Wrote:Yeah, I was just watching the news and for the next 3 days we are supposed to be getting flurries.  You got to love this weather.

We had some flurries as well out here in New Brunswick. I was quite surprised. It was nothing big, but still... its April.

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - ANTHONYD - 04-04-2007


Everyone Should Visit Up North! - P-51 - 04-04-2007

Sorry guys, this is entirely my fault. I put my summer tires on last week. :(

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - 2001 ZTS - 04-04-2007

Guilty as well, took the winter's off on Saturday.

This coming summer I'll let everyone know when I get car washes so they can be prepaired for rain.

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - darkpuppet - 04-05-2007

2001 ZTS,Apr 4 2007, 09:23 AM Wrote:Guilty as well, took the winter's off on Saturday.

This coming summer I'll let everyone know when I get car washes so they can be prepaired for rain.

make that 3.. swapped tires on Sunday...

and made plans to drive to St. Cat's on Thurs.... frig..

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - NOS2Go4Me - 04-05-2007

I haven't bought the new rims or tires yet, so it's stockers for a while.

We're staying home this weekend... with a nice warm fireplace to ward off the dampness.

You guys out west enjoy that fluffy white s***, ok? :D

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - ANTHONYD - 04-05-2007

I knew this was going to happen.

This is why I'm going to wait another week.

The brine trucks were spraying the roads out here in Burlington this morning :lol:

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - NefCanuck - 04-05-2007

Hell, y'all swapped tires? I washed & waxed the exterior to within an inch of its existence last Friday :( Thank god I ran out of energy to tackle the interior or I would have been mondo PO'd at losing that as well to whatever crap falls from the sky over the next few days :angry:


Of course I do have to drive into TO tommorow for my dentist appt. -sigh- :P

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - torradan - 04-05-2007

I'm heading to TO tomorrow too, and definately not looking forward to it.

At least I haven't washed & waxed the pig yet, still has a layer of protective salt and road crud to protect it from whatever gets thrown at us.

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - ZX5focused - 04-05-2007

im heading to Sault Ste Marie on Friday...they aernt calling for much accumulation, just flurries fro the next 3 days

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - ex1z7 - 04-05-2007


That's the car as it sits now, when I came home from work..

.... Supposed to snow till Friday, and negative temperatures till Tuesday..


Everyone Should Visit Up North! - 2001 ZTS - 04-05-2007

Had a peek at the long range forecast. It will warm up after the Easter weekend but get this, it takes a huge downturn later on and snow is forecast for April 19th.

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - darkpuppet - 04-05-2007

2001 ZTS,Apr 5 2007, 08:21 AM Wrote:Had a peek at the long range forecast. It will warm up after the Easter weekend but get this, it takes a huge downturn later on and snow is forecast for April 19th.

global warming my ass... Patios open May 1st, it better warm the f*** up!!

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - 2001 ZTS - 04-05-2007

Oh and if you are in Toronto today there are ZERO salters/sanders out and the roads are "polished" ice/snow now and extremely slippery.

Amoung other things the NB DVP was closed altogether at Eastern Ave.

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - oldeguy - 04-05-2007

I heard an old saying on the radio this morning
" Don't change a thread until April is dead"

In my line of work, I consider winter to be from November to May. I always have a shovel and snowblower readily available until the beginning of May.

I really think all this snowy stuff is my fault, despite what I said above, I was THINKING of putting on the summer rims this weekend.

Everyone Should Visit Up North! - torradan - 04-06-2007

I hope they got the salters/sanders out at some point today, not looking forward to dealing with insane drivers on top of slippery roads.

Down here it was really slick, even after the sun showed up and started melting everything. And not a hint of a salt crew anywhere, as usual.