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Landing At Old Hong Kong Airport... - Printable Version

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Landing At Old Hong Kong Airport... - darkpuppet - 04-02-2007

This video's probably from back in the days before the new airport was built at Hong Kong.

Airplane pilots and Flight simulator buffs know that old Hong Kong airport was one of the hardest airports to land at. You basically had to fly your plane straight towards a hillside, and then turn at the last minute to line up with the run way.

now here's a video from the cockpit of one plane landing there (video says it's a 747) click here for video.

and it's more scary with a very typical cross wind..

Landing At Old Hong Kong Airport... - ANTHONYD - 04-03-2007


Landing At Old Hong Kong Airport... - ANTHONYD - 04-03-2007

This approach into St.Barth's island in the french virgin islands id awful.

I did this a few years back.


It's hard to tell, but you have to fly in between 2 mountains.

Landing At Old Hong Kong Airport... - Black_ZTS - 04-03-2007

I am from HK and yes is super scary. The airport is super close to the city and the side wind is a major probem. It was really lucky that there were no crash or major problem with landing in the history of HK old!

Landing At Old Hong Kong Airport... - Aka - 04-03-2007

ANTHONYD,Apr 2 2007, 10:19 AM Wrote:This approach into St.Barth's island in the french virgin islands id awful.

I did this a few years back.


It's hard to tell, but you have to fly in between 2 mountains.
An alternate view here

though with stupid music.

Landing At Old Hong Kong Airport... - torradan - 04-03-2007

damn those are scary!

and from that one video, looks like they need to take their little plane in for a front-end alignment.. its pulling to the left :)

Landing At Old Hong Kong Airport... - PARKINGLOT - 04-03-2007

that looks about as fun as a root canal...