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Parking Fight . - Printable Version

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Parking Fight . - zx5power - 03-28-2007

Parking Fight . - Focus man. Focus. - 03-28-2007

I have wanted to do that so many times while downtown. Some people have no respect when looking for a parking spot.

Parking Fight . - zx5power - 03-28-2007

Tell me about it I get really bad road rage , I even gave a Focus driver the finger the other day lol I was parked trying to turn in with my signal on and traffic was bad and then this idiot was behind me drove up my ass honking his horn , wish I had a 5 speed if leave it roll and get him for tailing lol

Parking Fight . - Aka - 03-29-2007

I've never wanted to do that to anyone.

However I have wanted to just bump people off the highway. You know, car racing style. Draft up on their bumper and cause them to lose downforce on the rear and crash. Except it doesn't work... so just ramming them would be nice too.

Edit: Also I think this may be a repost.

Parking Fight . - CanadaSVT - 03-29-2007

Be careful who you piss off. There really are unstable individuals out there, and I think I work with a few of them. :lol: