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New Job For Me Too... - reldridge - 03-24-2007

So, basically, I've slaved away in a sweat-shop like network monitoring environment for the last three years. Well, I handed in my two weeks today... Man do I feel good!

I've taken a job with Toshiba Business Solutions, as an IT Service Technician. Basically, I go on-site and fix peoples broken stuff. Everything from Exchange to network installs. And, it's only Monday to Friday, 8 am until 4pm. No more midnights or weekends for me! Should be fun!


New Job For Me Too... - Oscar The Grouch - 03-24-2007

Congrats. Hope it pans out well for you.

New Job For Me Too... - euro_zx5 - 03-24-2007

Congratulations! I might find myself in the same boat within a few years... hopefully.

New Job For Me Too... - Frost__2001 - 03-24-2007

Congrats, I know all to well what it's like to leave a s***ty job for a really decent one.

New Job For Me Too... - NOS2Go4Me - 03-25-2007

Welcome to the "good side" of IT - the days-only crowd.

Others like the night because of higher pay and/or more days off a week, but I say screw it. :)

Congrats on the new job!

New Job For Me Too... - ex1z7 - 03-25-2007

Sounds like you're doing / were doing similar work to me.. I so far want to stab myself in the eye, and am waiting for a better job to come my way.. And it sounds like you found a better calling, good job !

the 8am-4:30 thing I do is driving me crazy, waking up at 6 in the morning isn't a 19 year old thing to do :| Especially getting closer to summer...

New Job For Me Too... - torradan - 03-25-2007

Congrats on getting out alive!

I have 4 more days left -- and I feel so much better now! I'm more relaxed, I can sleep a full night now without waking up dreading going to work in the morning, and just sort of a general state of euphoria.

New Job For Me Too... - Drivesthebeast - 03-26-2007

I have 2 years, and about 2 months left of my current contract...not 100% sold on the Army as a longterm thing, but it's looking more like it all the time...

Congrats to U

New Job For Me Too... - NefCanuck - 03-26-2007

Congrats on getting a job with hours that you want to work, rather than you have to work craptastic hours :)


New Job For Me Too... - ZX3guy2000 - 03-30-2007

Congrats on the new job Ryan! We'll have to get together some weekends or something! Hey have you taken up golf yet ?

New Job For Me Too... - reldridge - 03-31-2007


My current employer has come back to me... Looks like I'll be staying. They're giving in to my hours request, with an agreement that within the next two months I'll be moving into a new position as internal IT (Windows & VOIP support) rather than customer facing. Much more appealing to me.

Doesn't mean I can't keep looking though... :)


New Job For Me Too... - ZX3guy2000 - 04-01-2007

WEll it is nice to that you are love and respected at your job, and that they are willing to bend just to keep you around!
Great job! Now go for more money.. more money!! lol