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2 Members Are Celebrating Their Birthday Today - Printable Version

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2 Members Are Celebrating Their Birthday Today - meford4u - 02-21-2007

All the best on your birday! :D

2 Members Are Celebrating Their Birthday Today - NefCanuck - 02-21-2007

HBD to theh both of ye :beerchug:


2 Members Are Celebrating Their Birthday Today - Frost__2001 - 02-21-2007

Happy happy~!

2 Members Are Celebrating Their Birthday Today - Alien-Tek - 02-21-2007

meford4u,Feb 20 2007, 08:59 PM Wrote:All the best on your birday! :D

Probably the nicest thing I've heard you say since I've been here.
Although, I won't hold my breath for any more niceties.


2 Members Are Celebrating Their Birthday Today - dlb - 02-22-2007

My birthday too .............. but at my age (47) :( who gives a *uck !! :lol:

Just edited my profile so it comes up every yr ............

2 Members Are Celebrating Their Birthday Today - Burnin21 - 02-22-2007

:beerchug: Happy b-day guys!