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Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - Printable Version

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Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - torradan - 02-21-2007

Man, I'm laughing my ass off at this one. I normally HATE these mac commercials, but this one is so true.

I've used Vista a little bit (I can't justify spending $150 for this POS, not to mention compatibility issues), and found it incredibly annoying when the dialog box pops up asking if you want to scratch your ass, install a program, allow firefox to access the internet, pick your nose, watch tv, whatever.

Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - Mason - 02-21-2007

;) Ive got vista, had it for weeks. Love it, Any one who is thinkin about it its way worth it.
As for compatibility issues Ive run in to a few but its usually not hard to correct.

Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - ZED_not_zee - 02-21-2007

OSX FTW!!!!!11

I'm a Video Editor and recording engineer...

hard core MAC fan... windows vista,,, takes more sytem resources with very few perfromance gains... it's like a big gody body kit on a stock car

I do use PC though I have a Dual core pentium pc with 4 gigs of ram just for capturing video... and as a media server for the studio... I like pc's for the web and word processing... and WIN XP and OSX network flawlessly...

Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - habmann - 02-21-2007

Thats awesome. I love these commercials.

Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - paolo - 02-21-2007

used vista back when it was in beta stages and release candidates for the last 6-7 months... Meh! nothing special

Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - ANTHONYD - 02-21-2007

ZED_not_zee,Feb 20 2007, 07:13 PM Wrote:OSX FTW!!!!!11



Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - NOS2Go4Me - 02-22-2007

Yeah, we just got a test laptop in at work. Core 2 Duo 1.6GHz, 1GB RAM, etc etc... and it's a resources PIG with Vista loaded. I'm disgusted, really. The same laptop with XP SP2 just flies.

Bleh. We won't be rolling it out for quite some time yet. We have a couple of months of testing to do, minimum.

Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - NefCanuck - 02-23-2007

NOS2Go4Me,Feb 21 2007, 11:08 PM Wrote:Yeah, we just got a test laptop in at work. Core 2 Duo 1.6GHz, 1GB RAM, etc etc... and it's a resources PIG with Vista loaded. I'm disgusted, really. The same laptop with XP SP2 just flies.

Bleh. We won't be rolling it out for quite some time yet. We have a couple of months of testing to do, minimum.

Question, are you able to add any hardware to the laptop at all? I'm curious to see if you have the same performance issues with say 2GB of ram in the 'top (One thing I've noticed, with each succeeding M$ OS in the Windows family, take the memory requirement that they quote as the minimum and multiply it by four time to get decent performance)


Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - torradan - 02-23-2007

I tried it on my laptop.. XP vs. Vista..

Core Duo 1.7Ghz, 2 Gigs of PC-5300 dual channel ram, SATA hard drive, etc...

XP blows it out of the water.
Even after turning off the eye candy in Vista, it was still a dog.

Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - NOS2Go4Me - 02-23-2007

NefCanuck,Feb 22 2007, 10:50 AM Wrote:
NOS2Go4Me,Feb 21 2007, 11:08 PM Wrote:Yeah, we just got a test laptop in at work. Core 2 Duo 1.6GHz, 1GB RAM, etc etc... and it's a resources PIG with Vista loaded. I'm disgusted, really. The same laptop with XP SP2 just flies.

Bleh. We won't be rolling it out for quite some time yet. We have a couple of months of testing to do, minimum.

Question, are you able to add any hardware to the laptop at all? I'm curious to see if you have the same performance issues with say 2GB of ram in the 'top (One thing I've noticed, with each succeeding M$ OS in the Windows family, take the memory requirement that they quote as the minimum and multiply it by four time to get decent performance)


We'll likely be mixing up the hardware config as we go. The laptop is a Dell Latitude D520... so the only real "weak" part as far as Vista goes is the IGP for the video display.

Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - ZED_not_zee - 02-23-2007

WELL if you want fancy and free get FEDORA lol,,, just have fun doing ANYTHING besides moving the windows around and watching multiple moves on multiple desktops lol

Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - deadSkip - 02-23-2007

I'm a Mac fan as well. I have Vista running on my Windows box, and I was actually pretty impressed with the graphics in UI and features. I'm running one of the betas (the last public one, I think) and it's a little sluggish.

Major downsides;
Crashes my games.
UAC is annoying as hell. I've turned it off.
Why the hell are there seven ways to sleep/turn off the computer?

Mac Vs Pc: Windows Vista - darkpuppet - 02-23-2007

^-- the UAC is pretty useless... I wish it locked out kernel activities like OSX does.

However, there's a lot of good technology in Vista, like an unprecedented level of abstraction between the kernel and driver levels. Sure things like that have a performance hit, but it also means that your computer doesn't have to crash completely when a driver fails.

There's a few other things kernel/user layer-wise that are pretty ingenious, and even MAC OSX doesn't quite take it to that level.

But then again, limiting the hardware platform for Mac OS-X sort of negates that need. However, sometime down the road, I see them branching out and supporting generic hardware.

Mac tends to do things in two steps.

1 ) create technology that will sell macs
2 ) when that fails to increase market share, broaden the distribution.

much like how the iPod went mainstream once they sold pretty much one for every existing mac user... in fact, the iPod (and iTunes) could be the wedge that opens the mass-apeal door to Apple.

Jobs has done a good job bringing the company back from the's good to see, because it's forcing it's much larger competition to innovate as well.