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An Update - dad - 02-07-2007

Although I dont recognize alot of people here now greetings to all ....

last time I posted was some time ago....was in the middle of a nasty divorce etc but generally everything else was great, most of that still stands. I have a fantastic girlfriend, we have a beutifull home and everything that goes with that. My business still seems to be doing great and I am currently two steps away from a deal with a rather famous coffee house that will make my grand kids rich.....However those of you who know me remember that I have always said when things seem to be to good cause your about to get wacked in the side of the head.....

Three weeks ago I was talking and laughing with my ex wife and both of us were enjoying the fact that dispite the nasty divorce we found some common ground and it was clear that the two of us had finally found our own happeness. This was great for me to see as all I ever wanted for her was to be happy...with or without me. She got herself a nice little home (no mortgage) didnt have to move the kids to a new district and her business was doing fine but most importantantly she could do whatever she wanted when she wanted....until last week

I got a call a week ago Friday from her asking if I could take the kids for a couple of days as her docter was admitting her into the hospital for a precautionary pnemonia treatment. This I found odd as in the 19 years we were together I dont think she has had anything more than the sniffles. Of coarse I took the kids and carried on...

Two days later I recieved a phone call from her best friend saying that one of her lungs had collapsed and the other was on the way and that wasnt all......she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer which had spread to her lungs and to of all things her liver......

What can I say ..... liver cancer is the fastest killing cancer there is....could be as soon as 6 weeks.....

The incredible irony of the story is that my girlfriend is in charge of the cancer treatment facility here in town and my ex will be directly under her treatment.

At the minute we are just trying to get our three sons ready for the battle in front of there mom and try to make them understand that there is no cure for what she has just maybe some extension to her life...... a year is absolute max but highly unlikely.

It often takes a tragidy to put things in perspective but I would like to take this oppertunity to tell you all to hug your loved ones , respect the people around you and try to live a good life .....for it can be takin from you so quickly.

If there is anything I have said or done in the past to anybody here or anywhere else for that matter , I would like to extend an apology and wish everyone here a good life....those of you that I did know here all deserve it.

Use this story to help yourselves keep things in perspective, in this busy world we often get distracted by work, money, desires etc. etc......step back for a minute and have a look around I am sure you will see some good out there.

Be part of that good while you can

An Update - ANTHONYD - 02-07-2007

On behalf of FC and all it's members I would like to extend our prayers and thoughts.

-The staff.

An Update - NikiterZTS - 02-07-2007

really sad to hear

my friend's mom had breast cancer....

An Update - zx5power - 02-07-2007

Make the best of the time thats left , your in my thoughts and prayers.

An Update - NefCanuck - 02-07-2007


All the best to you and yours in this obviously difficult time.


An Update - Flofocus - 02-07-2007

Cancer is nasty, my mother went through it twice when I was young. I just remember wearing her wigs and stuff (I was 8 years old), never saw her in the hospital or anything like that.

Best wishes from me, dad, I'm praying for her that it isnt painful, and she enjoys what is left of her life. :( never know...miracles do happen, I know its hard when it comes to cancer, but it can happen. :)

An Update - mo_focus - 02-07-2007

wow :(

our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.


An Update - Burnin21 - 02-07-2007

Thats sad, my best wishes and prayers go out to you and your ex.

An Update - darkpuppet - 02-07-2007

Really sorry to hear...

My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

An Update - habmann - 02-07-2007

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Sorry to hear about this.....

An Update - ZTWsquared - 02-07-2007

Dad ... thank you for sharing your thoughts with us this way and for pointing out some essential truths about life that we can so easily forget.

I don't know if this is appropriate or not, but I'd like to share with you some of my dad's last thoughts - he was taken by brain cancer.

As much as he hated the idea of leaving us (mom and 7 kids) and as much as he was not ready to go ... he said that he was so comforted by the knowledge that he had a legacy ... that he had a loving family that would remember him ... and most importantly, that he would never have to go through the loss of a wife or child which would have been so much harder for him than leaving himself.

I hope your kids' mom will find some peace and comfort in her situation, and in so doing perhaps share some peace and comfort to you and the kids; it sounds like she will be well supported in such a trying time.

All the best.

An Update - 02_svt_guy - 02-07-2007

My thoughts and prayers are with u and your family
good luck with everything stay strong

An Update - NOS2Go4Me - 02-07-2007

I'm sorry to hear about the suffering your family is going through. Cancer bootf***s people indiscriminately.

Keep strong, your kids will need you more than ever.

An Update - focusracer - 02-07-2007

I'm truly saddened to hear of this news.

It's interesting that she was diagnosed with pneumonia at first. My best friend Amanda's mom has been battling cancer for almost 4 yrs now. She'd been given the all clear 5 months ago. The family went to Hawaii for Christmas and she started having a cough while they were there, they thought it was just the humidity and the warmth. It got worse after they returned and 2 weeks ago her doctor got her in for an xray because he thought it could've been the start of pneumonia and ends up the cancer is back in her lungs again. It started as breast cancer, and moved throughout her body.

On a personal from me to you level. Thanks for your words. In recent times I've really lived for myself and been kind of selfish, I've hurt a lot of people in my life and destroyed some long term friendships and really hurt my family with some of the things I've said and done.

What you wrote has really made me think.

Thanks, and keep your chin up.

An Update - torradan - 02-07-2007

Sorry to hear about things, dad :(

Hang in there, and take care.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

An Update - dad - 02-07-2007

thanks for all your kind words guys..... it has always struck me as odd how the internet can make it so much easier to express our good will and we will gladly except all that is given......

once again thanks

An Update - Drivesthebeast - 02-07-2007

Our Berets are off and held over our hearts in Petawawa for you, and your family. As some of you may not know, this is one of the ultimate signs of respect, and it's kinda like a different version of saluting, and sometimes is a way to visually show people that soldiers are human too...

Here's to you, your family, and wish you the best of luck and intentions.

PTET I.R. Davis
2 CMBG HQ & Signals Squadron
RQMS Signals Stores,
CFB Petawawa

An Update - DD1 - 02-07-2007

well you know how I feel and you know
my phone number

An Update - tdot-zx3 - 02-08-2007

Sorry to hear dad... keep your chin up, or atleast try your best to keep the kids up..

best of luck dealing with things...