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This Is Interesting - paolo - 12-11-2006

Has anyone here tried this and found anything for themselves? I tried it but nothing came up. Others have reported finding money under their relatives from here. It also assists you in processing the claim once you have found one.

This Is Interesting - darkpuppet - 12-11-2006

some lucky prokopchuk out there is getting $10 when he turns 18!!

This Is Interesting - dabigmandan - 12-12-2006

I found 2 unclaimed balances from people with the same last name as me.

This Is Interesting - NefCanuck - 12-12-2006

Not a dime, but I'm not surprised. I mean a Swiss person forgetting where they left their money? That's about as likely to happen as me winning the lottery :P


This Is Interesting - NOS2Go4Me - 12-12-2006

De nada for me, either. Back to work I go :P

This Is Interesting - dlb - 12-12-2006

found a little over $30 for my GF's late sister !! Weird ??

This Is Interesting - ANTHONYD - 12-12-2006

Looks like the wife has 308.00 waiting for her at her old bank in Burlington.


Wonder if this is for real?

This Is Interesting - lordkingod - 12-12-2006

Oh its for real alright, my brother found my dad a couple thousand dollars that had been left in an account in kingston back in the late 50's. The actual amount my father had left was rather small but with the compounding interests rates it became rather signigicant over the almost 50 years it was left untouched

This Is Interesting - Gravter - 12-13-2006

Yup, I checked my status a few months ago and found nothing :(
Oh well, it was worth a try.

This Is Interesting - Aka - 12-13-2006


Found my Dad on there. $26.22.

However they'd already called us about it and he's received it. Though when they called us the way they said it sounded like thousands so we jumped at it only to get $26 and we were disappointed.

Edit: Have you tried searching popular names? I've found accounts with thousands unclaimed. Almost makes me want to claim to be them to get it.

This Is Interesting - nass - 12-14-2006

Looks like my grandma has $2.95 coming her way!

too bad she's dead :(

This Is Interesting - PerfectSaiyan - 12-14-2006

I found my cousins unclaimed $14.96.

at my bank no less!

This Is Interesting - CanadaSVT - 12-14-2006

This expires after a certain time. My brother used to have money owing, but now it's gone.