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What Are Signs That An O2 Sensor Just Went? - Printable Version

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What Are Signs That An O2 Sensor Just Went? - smith21 - 12-03-2006

well guys, just curious if this is my problem, i have a air/fuel gauge (not wideband, dont' flame, plz :) ) and i'm not reading a damn thing! Just curious if this is the o2 sensor, or if my wiring went tits up? I just re-did it all and will update if it's working now, but if not, should i be looking at getting a new o2?

What Are Signs That An O2 Sensor Just Went? - mo_focus - 12-03-2006

its your wiring i bet.

where did you connect the A/F to? to the computer where it reads the O2 sensor or to the actual sensor wires?

What Are Signs That An O2 Sensor Just Went? - PerfectSaiyan - 12-03-2006

youd get a CEL for sure.

What Are Signs That An O2 Sensor Just Went? - smith21 - 12-04-2006

i got it wired right into the o2, just after the harness..and yes, it was my wiring, i ended up tracing it further up where it had gotten split and ended up not working properly, but it's working fine now :)...thanks guys