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O.p.p. Launch Festive R.i.d.e. Tommorow - Printable Version

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O.p.p. Launch Festive R.i.d.e. Tommorow - Frost__2001 - 11-29-2006

Ontario Provincial Police launch Festive R.I.D.E.
November 28, 2006

Orillia, Ontario - The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has announced that from November 29 until January 2, it will team up with police services across Ontario for its annual Festive R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) campaign.

Last year, during the five-week initiative, officers stopped 576,875 vehicles at roadside checkpoints; 278 persons were charged with criminal alcohol-related offences, and a total of 671 12-hour license suspensions were issued. Officers also issued 270 of the 90-day Administrative Drivers License Suspensions. For every 608 vehicles checked, one driver was either charged with an impaired driving-related charge, or was issued a 12-hour license suspension.

O.p.p. Launch Festive R.i.d.e. Tommorow - ANTHONYD - 11-29-2006

Plese be careful this year folks.
If you've had some drinks....wait it off, take a cab, take the GO train.

Don't drink and drive!

O.p.p. Launch Festive R.i.d.e. Tommorow - NOS2Go4Me - 11-29-2006

If you drink and drive, you don't deserve to survive.

That's my motto. The sad part is that drunks often take innocents with them as well. :(

O.p.p. Launch Festive R.i.d.e. Tommorow - NefCanuck - 11-30-2006

Amen, folks, a cab ride costs you some cash, driving drunk could cost you your LIFE!
