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A Must See! - Printable Version

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A Must See! - 02_svt_guy - 10-25-2006

just watch. :huh:

click on joes ford gttt

A Must See! - Burnin21 - 10-25-2006

I've seen that one before, his film is also on its an insane car.

A Must See! - 02_svt_guy - 10-25-2006

joes turbo ford gt is by far the best video ive ever seen

ive got a smile ear to ear and tears in my eyes B)

A Must See! - 02_svt_guy - 10-25-2006

Burnin21,Oct 24 2006, 10:43 PM Wrote:I've seen that one before, his film is also on its an insane car.

this is the full video though. on streetfire ur missing like 10min of footage

A Must See! - Burnin21 - 10-25-2006

I think there is a full one kicking around on street fire tho, I just watched the one posted and I didnt see anything missing.

A Must See! - NikiterZTS - 10-25-2006

yup, def a repost

A Must See! - torradan - 10-25-2006

Thought this was a repost too.

I have the full video at home on my machine, its about 203 megs.

Link to Full Video for Download

A Must See! - SVT ZX3 - 10-26-2006

Link to the original post....