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Many Americans Experience Anxiety On Sunday Nights - Printable Version

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Many Americans Experience Anxiety On Sunday Nights - torradan - 10-23-2006

Odd that I see this on Fark this morning, after noticing my mood dipping down pretty hard last night.

Many Americans Experience Anxiety On Sunday Nights

Quote:DENVER -- Sunday nights are supposed to be a time for relaxing, but for many people it is one of the most stressful times of the week.

For many Americans, Sunday nights make people feel stressed out and depressed.

"I never sleep on Sunday night very well because I'm worried about going to work on Monday morning," said one worrier. "My job is very stressful and you kind of have to gear up for Monday and getting back into that."

After sitting at their desks all workweek long, people can't help but look forward to the weekend. But once it comes, it can go by fast.

By the time Sunday night comes around, it's all but over and that is when the panic sets in for many people.

"I think what most people experience are thoughts of dread," said psychotherapist Dr. David Wright. "Before going back to work they experience withdraw behaviors, they don't enjoy their Sundays."

Wright said Sunday night stress is very common and it hits all walks of life.

"Really its like having a six-day workweek because you spend the whole day thinking about going to work and dreading going to work and anticipating things happening at work that may be stressful," said Wright.

"I think people can identify it many different ways.It's the same as the fear of flying or the fear of taking a test," said Wright. "Often times the anticipation of the event is much more stressful than the event itself."

Wright said keeping active on Sundays will keep people's minds off heading back to work or school.

"If it's becoming disruptive, take some steps, call a friend, call a counselor, get involved in things you like to do and that should help," said Wright.

Perhaps the best advice for beating Sunday night anxiety is to create a ritual you really look forward to. It can be as simple as a favorite TV show to watch each week. Another suggestion is to make Sunday family game night.

Many Americans Experience Anxiety On Sunday Nights - NOS2Go4Me - 10-23-2006

I guess the majority of the folks they interviewed / gathered statistics about need to go and get new jobs, stat.

I've dreaded the odd project or known issue that we were working to resolve, but I've never dreaded going to work.

I'm not even thinking about work Sunday night. If you're thinking about work on the weekends (unless you actually have a "have-to-finish-this-project" project or something)... you need to stop thinking and go see a movie, BBQ a steak, take the wife upstairs, something. Sheesh.

Many Americans Experience Anxiety On Sunday Nights - torradan - 10-23-2006

I'm looking for a job like no one's business right now (have been).. but the job market here is really bad. I've actually considered calling me old boss, and going back to work at the warehouse for less money, yet less stress.

Many Americans Experience Anxiety On Sunday Nights - habmann - 10-24-2006

If I ever got to the point where i got stressed sunday nites about going to work monday morning, I'd be taking that as a sign that its time to find a new job. I may not always enjoy what I'm doing on a particular day at work, but I've never been to the point where I'm stressed and don't wanna go.

Many Americans Experience Anxiety On Sunday Nights - darkpuppet - 10-24-2006

I've had a few of those sunday nights... the ones you don't want to go to bed because you really don't want the weekend to end.

I've also had the Sundays that are just another start to the 80 hour work week.

right now, Sundays are my only day off for the next month or so.. yippee!

Many Americans Experience Anxiety On Sunday Nights - NefCanuck - 10-24-2006

As others have said, it really does depend on the job. I mean I listen to people's problems all day at work, so that by the time the weekend comes, anybody complains at me during the weekend, they're just as likely to get the "talk to the hand" gesture as not :D

But I still go back to work Monday morning determined to try and make a positive difference in at least one persons life.


Many Americans Experience Anxiety On Sunday Nights - focusracer - 10-24-2006

Yeah, Amanda and I started a ritual of sorts of going for a couple drinks at one of our favorite places every Sunday night, couple or three martinis and you sleep a little better.