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Ontario Announces School Bus Safety Week - Printable Version

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Ontario Announces School Bus Safety Week - Frost__2001 - 10-19-2006

Ontario announces School Bus Safety Week
October 18, 2006

Toronto, Ontario - Increased fines for passing a school bus have been passed in Ontario, but Transportation Minister Donna Cansfield says there is still more to do, in light of this week's School Bus Safety Week.

"One injured child is one too many," says Cansfield. "School Bus Safety Week, October 16 to October 20, provides an opportunity to remind all motorists, parents and caregivers to be aware of children in school zones, and stop for school buses. About 70 per cent of school-vehicle related deaths happen while students are crossing the street to get on or off the bus. We all have a role in keeping our kids safe."

Ontario has a maximum fine of $2,000 for vehicle owners whose vehicle illegally passes a stopped school bus, and mandatory features for new school buses such as crossing arms, better side mirrors and more emergency exit windows.

Ontario Announces School Bus Safety Week - CanadaSVT - 10-22-2006

On my way to work yesterday I stopped behind a school bus with it's red lights flashing. Some old lady passes by going the other way! I could not believe it. The fine should be more like $10,000 and lose your license for a year. Drunk or stupid, is there really a difference?

Ontario Announces School Bus Safety Week - Oscar The Grouch - 10-22-2006

They do lots of this "public advertising" about passing a school bus but answer me this,

If we teach all our kids about seatbelt safety, how come we don't have belts on the bus? Some will argue that buses don't usually travel very fast, but even still it doesn't reinforce kids to buckle up, and there are still lots of people who drive that don't buckle up.

On topic tho, i've seen some buses use those retractible arms, similar to those at railway crossings. I find that these are the best but not good enough. They should be made of thick steel and also have a spike strip that lays across the road when down. That way, if some hotshot in his convertible Beamer goes by, he'll either lose his head or at least have his tired slashed.