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Ford Expects To Build Three Million Vehicles - Frost__2001 - 09-24-2006

Ford Expects To Build Three Million Vehicles In 2008
The Daily Auto Insider
Friday, September 22, 2006

Ford predicted that it will build three million vehicles, and its North American manufacturing plants will be running at 100 percent capacity, by 2008.

By then, under its restructuring plan, Ford expects to close 16 plants within the next six years.

Ford said in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that it planned to build 3 million vehicles without paying overtime while its “maximum installed” capacity would be 3.6 million vehicles, which would include overtime, the story said.

The automaker said capacity in 2008 would be projected at 100 percent “as a result of plant idlings as well as shift eliminations and line speed reductions.”

Ford said last week that it would cut $5 billion in annual costs by the end of 2008 by eliminating 10,000 white-collar workers and offering buyouts to all 75,000 union workers.

Ford Expects To Build Three Million Vehicles - DD1 - 09-24-2006

we all have dreams dont we

Ford Expects To Build Three Million Vehicles - ZTWsquared - 09-24-2006

Frost__2001,Sep 23 2006, 12:49 PM Wrote:[i]Ford Expects To Build Three Million Vehicles In 2008

"... shift eliminations and line speed reductions.”[right][snapback]208201[/snapback][/right]

I found this little tidbit kind of interesting ... IIRC a slower line usually results in slightly lower productivity but usually higher assembly quality ... maybe someone who actually works on a line could comment on what this should mean to consumers.

Ford Expects To Build Three Million Vehicles - FocusGuy7476 - 09-24-2006

its possible to do, and a goal that could obtained.

Ford Expects To Build Three Million Vehicles - meford4u - 09-24-2006

ZTWsquared,Sep 23 2006, 03:00 PM Wrote:
Frost__2001,Sep 23 2006, 12:49 PM Wrote:[i]Ford Expects To Build Three Million Vehicles In 2008

"... shift eliminations and line speed reductions.”[right][snapback]208201[/snapback][/right]

I found this little tidbit kind of interesting ... IIRC a slower line usually results in slightly lower productivity but usually higher assembly quality ... maybe someone who actually works on a line could comment on what this should mean to consumers.
It means more work and fewer workers. And typically, better quality.

You handle a whole section of the assembly process, instead of just a bolt here and a part there.

Better build quality all around, but less profitable.

Ford Expects To Build Three Million Vehicles - Oscar The Grouch - 09-24-2006

meford4u,Sep 23 2006, 08:56 PM Wrote:Better build quality all around, but less profitable.

Hey, if Toyota can build better quality cars at decent prices and still make a profit, Ford should be able to do the same.

Ford Expects To Build Three Million Vehicles - Frost__2001 - 09-24-2006

Oscar The Grouch,Sep 23 2006, 10:40 PM Wrote:
meford4u,Sep 23 2006, 08:56 PM Wrote:Better build quality all around, but less profitable.

Hey, if Toyota can build better quality cars at decent prices and still make a profit, Ford should be able to do the same.

Only if people will get past the mind set of " Found On Road Dead " or as my dad used to say " F^$#ing Old Recycled Dodge " but since I got the Focus and then this Focus his opinion changed greatly as he saw its quality was much better then he thought it was.. .let alone the performance and thrill he got out of borrowing my car a few times.

People Have to really want a Ford Product and get past the stupid mind set from ages ago an actually test drive one and compair it to other cars for the money.