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Is This Right? - j3rt - 09-22-2006

How much HD space should XP be taking up? I have a 20HD that XP is installed on and it's down to it's last GB. I figured I hadn't transfered a ton of pics/mp3 etc onto our external HDs. I spent a couple days clearing off anything that wasn't programs.
I thought I did a good job but only freed up 3GB. So does it seem right that out of 20GB(19actual), that i've only got 4GB free?
Does XP run auto backups or something, what could be hogging all the space?
Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.


Is This Right? - NefCanuck - 09-22-2006

Do you know how big a swap file XP is maintaining? what about temporary internet files?

Just two things off the top of my head


Is This Right? - NOS2Go4Me - 09-22-2006

System restore points can be chewing up a HUGE pile of space.

Check this by going to: Right-click My Computer, select Properties, select the System Restore tab. I turn mine off, personally. Lots of folks find uses for System Restore, but I never have.

Is This Right? - euro_zx5 - 09-22-2006

NOS2Go4Me,Sep 21 2006, 07:13 PM Wrote:System restore points can be chewing up a HUGE pile of space.

Check this by going to: Right-click My Computer, select Properties, select the System Restore tab. I turn mine off, personally. Lots of folks find uses for System Restore, but I never have.

Same here, does more bad than good in my eyes. I haven't use sys restore since it lead me in the crapper once to a virus (around xp's launch... :P i'm not as gullible now)

Is This Right? - j3rt - 09-22-2006

Looks like the system restore was maxed out to 2GB. I'll disable it for now, but how would I free that space up? Can the restore file be deleted?

So that's 13GB still unaccounted for....

Is This Right? - CanadaSVT - 09-22-2006

For $269 you can get this:

Just an idea.

Is This Right? - euro_zx5 - 09-22-2006

j3rt,Sep 21 2006, 10:07 PM Wrote:Looks like the system restore was maxed out to 2GB.  I'll disable it for now, but how would I free that space up?  Can the restore file be deleted?

So that's 13GB still unaccounted for....

Just run a disk cleanup / More Options / SystemRestore: Clean Up

And ^ computer = crap :lol: Intel all the way! :P (devil's advocate here)

Is This Right? - NOS2Go4Me - 09-22-2006

Well, 2GB is a good start. Yeah, run a Disk Cleanup entirely and see what that frees up. After that, you'll have to start checking folders via My Computer or the Windows Explorer. Watch for "ATI", "NVIDIA" and other manufacturer-named folders, especially right under the root of the hard drive (under C:). Often, you can install monthly video card and chipset driver updates (which is a good thing) but the installer just makes a new sub-folder of those folders and caches the install files in there (that's a bad thing, really, and not your fault). So, you could have 3-12+ versions of each driver just sitting there doing nothing.

Also, do you have a lot of miscellaneous downloaded videos or pictures? They can space hog more than you realize.

Also, open a Search window for your entire My Computer. Do a search for all files over 25 or 50MB. You'd be surprised what will show up. I'm NOT saying delete whatever shows up, just make note of what each file is and where it occurs. There are more than a few legitimate large system files, but sometimes old backups, etc. can get in the way long after you've forgotten about them.

And, it only took Intel about 4 years to rise back up to the top of the performance dogpile. I feel bad for the millions who bought their energy-wasting Pentium 4s; those who were constantly lied to about the performance of their machines when "inferior" AMD boxes were ripping them apart like pit bulls on a Jack Russell terrier.

Is This Right? - BerinG - 09-22-2006

NOS2Go4Me,Sep 21 2006, 07:13 PM Wrote:System restore points can be chewing up a HUGE pile of space.

Check this by going to: Right-click My Computer, select Properties, select the System Restore tab. I turn mine off, personally. Lots of folks find uses for System Restore, but I never have.

Is This Right? - ZTWsquared - 09-22-2006

BerinG,Sep 22 2006, 08:49 AM Wrote:
NOS2Go4Me,Sep 21 2006, 07:13 PM Wrote:System restore points can be chewing up a HUGE pile of space.

Check this by going to: Right-click My Computer, select Properties, select the System Restore tab. I turn mine off, personally. Lots of folks find uses for System Restore, but I never have.

Hmmmm ... just checked mine ... system allows a maximum of 12% of the drive for system restore, and you can change it to a lower number if you want. If yours is the same, it seems unlikely that so much of your hard drive would be for that.

Is This Right? - BerinG - 09-23-2006

12% is still a little over 2GB..

I mean obviously there's stuff installed on the computer, not just XP.. caus if that were the case, id just tell you to delete/format and reinstall XP.. if theres nothing else but XP..

You could just right click on (C: drive i assume) main folders and then select properties to see WHERE this space is being taken..

Start with \WINDOWS and \PROGRAM FILES, you'll see that theres a bunch of stuff in there.. As someone mentioned, temporary files, not just temporary internet files.. although they also take space if you never empty it or lower the maximum used space in internet explorer.. takes a load of space.

Is This Right? - Scorpion - 09-23-2006

Here ya go, this should help you (and anyone else for that matter) figure out where all the space is being eaten up...



Is This Right? - guilty - 09-23-2006

Also watch out for other programs "enhancing" your recycle bin.. I think it was Norton Antivirus 2004 which had the "Norton Protected Recycle Bin" feature turned on by default, which would prevent the recycle bin from actually being emptied until the space was required for something (ie. you could empty the recycle bin, it would appear empty but wouldn't actually free up any HD space).

Security apps like that can do a lot of funny things that you might miss if you're not looking for it.

Is This Right? - j3rt - 09-24-2006

i ran a defrag and disable the backup stuff, so i'm down to 10GB. Not so worried now.
$269 for a computer aint' to shabby, but alas no $269, not after Massive Attack tickets. There's all the Q's too, what sort of video card is in it, how many USB, are they USB2, what sort of sound card, can I add cards, etc etc.

I'm holding out to build or find a small case and squeeze out some sort of internet/porn/mp3/occasional work machine.