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Retribution Is Mine - Printable Version

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Retribution Is Mine - ZTWsquared - 09-08-2006

One of my many failings as a human being is that I relish opportunities to say “I told you so” … and since Ford doesn’t listen or care, I’m posting it here.

As some of you may remember I had a dispute with Ford last year concerning the absence of the standard rear seat heat ducts in my wife’s ’04 ZTW (and all ’04 Foci BTW) – resolved to my satisfaction months later and only after taking them to CAMVAP arbitration.

Well … recently the CDX6 deck in that car stopped working and was replaced under warranty. I specifically asked my friend the dealer to try and find out what happened.

The results came back, and although not definitive, the radio technician concluded that the failure was probably due to overheating … and guess where all the hot air goes when you don’t have rear seat heat ducts and the plenum opening is left unblocked ---- that’s right, behind the dash and into the centre console - a.k.a. where the deck is.

So there Ford … I f***ken told you so and I hope it becomes an epidemic. :ph34r:

Thanks for listening. [/rant off]

Retribution Is Mine - microbunny - 09-08-2006

That's awesome!

I hope it becomes a huge problem too...

and never worry about saying 'I told you so..'...cause when you're're right!

Retribution Is Mine - Flofocus - 09-08-2006

Ford got owned.

AGAIN :rolleyes:

Retribution Is Mine - ANTHONYD - 09-08-2006

ZTWsquared,Sep 7 2006, 03:01 PM Wrote:One of my many failings as a human being is that I relish opportunities to say “I told you so” … and since Ford doesn’t listen or care, I’m posting it here.

As some of you may remember I had a dispute with Ford last year concerning the absence of the standard rear seat heat ducts in my wife’s ’04 ZTW (and all ’04 Foci BTW) – resolved to my satisfaction months later and only after taking them to CAMVAP arbitration.

Well … recently the CDX6 deck in that car stopped working and was replaced under warranty. I specifically asked my friend the dealer to try and find out what happened.

The results came back, and although not definitive, the radio technician concluded that the failure was probably due to overheating … and guess where all the hot air goes when you don’t have rear seat heat ducts and the plenum opening is left unblocked ---- that’s right, behind the dash and into the centre console - a.k.a. where the deck is.

So there Ford … I f***ken told you so and I hope it becomes an epidemic.  :ph34r:

Thanks for listening. [/rant off]

Are you going to bring this to FOMOCO's attantion and state that on several occations you tried to warn/ bring to their attention this issue?

I would certainly hope so.

Retribution Is Mine - Flofocus - 09-08-2006

Why though? what would it seriously accomplish?

:lol: :angry: :lol:

Retribution Is Mine - ZTWsquared - 09-08-2006

ANTHONYD,Sep 7 2006, 03:15 PM Wrote:Are you going to bring this to FOMOCO's attantion and state that on several occations you tried to warn/ bring to their attention this issue?

I would certainly hope so.

You're right that I should - I'd like the satisfaction of them knowing.

But Flo's right too ... anything I send to them will simply disappear into the dark pit they reserve for annoying customer-type crap they'd rather not have to deal with - and in fact won't deal with.

Bottom line ... I'd like them to know but I also know that however I do it, I'd be wasting my:

1) time
2) ink or toner
3) pixels
4) envelope and stamp
5) misguided hope that anyone at Ford could actually give a s hit.

I do feel good that my dealer acknowledges what happened and is shaking his head too. Small victories are still victories.

Retribution Is Mine - meford4u - 09-08-2006

You can email me. I, in fact, do give a s***.

I have many stories of halting production at Ford and when lower management tried to coherce me back into getting the line restarted and not solving the problem later, I just called Dearborn. Then the s***e hit the fan and a VP showed up the next day and fired 3 guys and the problem was resolved.
Last night we had major issues with dust prepaint for some reason and they didn't want to do anything about it. Until we ceased production.

We do care.

Retribution Is Mine - ANTHONYD - 09-08-2006

^^good to know.

However, with all due respect Bryan....

The guys in the office are for sure different than the people actually BUILDING the product. Their name doesn't ride on fulty builds the same way yours does.

The paper would go right into the shreder.

Hold yer' head hight ZTW!

Retribution Is Mine - ZTWsquared - 09-08-2006

meford4u,Sep 7 2006, 03:33 PM Wrote:You can email me.  I, in fact, do give a s***.
I know you care - and that's amazing what you and your collegues are doing to ensure that the Edge and the MKX are top quality -- Ford's lucky to have you guys looking out for their best interests - and I hope it's reflected in awesome launch quality because Ford's track record isn't the best and you guys deserve a win.

I know you'd read my emails and in fact I've still got friends at CHQ that I could also write to.

But even with your best efforts and the intervention of my other friends "inside" ... at the end of the day, you know and I know that Ford won't do anything about a problem they can dispute (and have disputed), in a model that is basically now out of warranty.

My reference to "not caring" should have been directed to the monolithic company and not the individuals that work there ... I know that lots of people at Ford really do care about what they do ... even if the corporate values and actions don't reflect it.

Retribution Is Mine - TonyDee - 09-08-2006

I had the same problem, except I call it the" Heated cupholder Option"

My response was a joke from Ford.The dealer did nothing. Ford of Canada did nothing.The Ford dealership sponsor of our local car club,even though I did not mention their dealership, attempted to humiliate me on our club forum. Thankfully other members did not appreciate it.

A minor situation perhaps, but in my professional position as a customer and technical support person I would never consider giving a customer the kind of treatment I received from Ford.

Retribution Is Mine - ANTHONYD - 09-08-2006

Heated cup holder!


The new Jags have that...and it's a 500 dollar option! :lol:

Retribution Is Mine - NOS2Go4Me - 09-11-2006

ANTHONYD,Sep 7 2006, 04:47 PM Wrote:Heated cup holder!


The new Jags have that...and it's a 500 dollar option! :lol:

Were they the same designers who suddenly realized all the Foci drivers got two for free? :unsure: