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One Year Ago Today - Frost__2001 - 08-30-2006

well as I'm sure some of you know that today is the one year anniversary of Katrina hitting the golf coast and causing billions of dollars in damage, and resulting is gas going up to $1.479 a Litre or more here in Ontario and I'm sure more in other provinces, not to mention all the other things related to the after effects of the storm.

One Year Ago Today - darkpuppet - 08-30-2006

one year later and New Orleans still lies in ruins... it's sad.

One Year Ago Today - Oscar The Grouch - 08-30-2006

was a 1.50 in New Brunswick when I was there. We had the remnants of that hurricane come in a few days later. Boy did that storm suck.

One Year Ago Today - residentdud - 08-30-2006

Even though Im not a religious person, my thoughts are still with these people who lost everything. WTF's up with FEMA?!?!?! I can't believe what it still looks like...unreal. What a sad time to be an american.

One Year Ago Today - ANTHONYD - 08-30-2006

I was watching the 20/20 coverage of the anniversary lastnight and it's sickning.

The Mayor of N.O. has done jack-s*** to rebuild the city. He did however, sign an agreement to have a 60 storey Trump towr built, billions of dollars in Condominiums to built on the water front, office towers, upscale housing developments etc...nothing for the poor.

He essentially used the crisis as a way to clear out the poverty.


One Year Ago Today - PIGEON1 - 08-30-2006

ANTHONYD,Aug 29 2006, 10:58 AM Wrote:I was watching the 20/20 coverage of the anniversary lastnight and it's sickning.

The Mayor of N.O. has done jack-s*** to rebuild the city. He did however, sign an agreement to have a 60 storey Trump towr built, billions of dollars in Condominiums to built on the water front, office towers, upscale housing developments etc...nothing for the poor.

He essentially used the crisis as a way to clear out the poverty.


Thats the way of polotics and the way of most Americans that I have met. They are out for their interests and "who gives two ____ts about everyone else". I use the situation in Afgahnistan and Iraq as an example.

Started something in Afghanistan and went onto Iraq and had us Canadians do the hardest part, Calm the people down and start to rebuild.

I personally blam BUSH and is F___ing hench men (politicians and head of state) for all 27 Canadian soldiers deaths and he should have to compensate Canada and those soldiers families for what they caused.......

Then He should be made to go to New Orleans and personally help with the worst jobs for the re-build of the city (poor peoples districts) so he can realize how he treats his so called "FELLOW COUNTRYMEN"!!! If we had someone in power like this in our country I would be ready to rebel or disown my country for letting a clown like him or the MAyor of New Orleans control a cities or countries fate.....

"And that's all I have to say about that!!"

One Year Ago Today - 02_svt_guy - 08-30-2006

ANTHONYD,Aug 29 2006, 10:58 AM Wrote:I was watching the 20/20 coverage of the anniversary lastnight and it's sickning.

The Mayor of N.O. has done jack-s*** to rebuild the city. He did however, sign an agreement to have a 60 storey Trump towr built, billions of dollars in Condominiums to built on the water front, office towers, upscale housing developments etc...nothing for the poor.

He essentially used the crisis as a way to clear out the poverty.


And the levys are not even fortified ill put money down that its gonna happen again.

One Year Ago Today - meford4u - 08-30-2006

The richest country in the world is overseas "democrasizing" another nation while it's poor sit homeless from Katrina's devistation.

When people ask, "What's wrong with this world".........that's my answer.

When you can't take care of your own s*** on your own land then who are we to go outside of our own herd to fortify and enrich others.

One Year Ago Today - NOS2Go4Me - 08-30-2006

PIGEON1,Aug 29 2006, 12:45 PM Wrote:Thats the way of polotics and the way of most Americans that I have met. They are out for their interests and "who gives two ____ts about everyone else". I use the situation in Afgahnistan and Iraq as an example.

Started something in Afghanistan and went onto Iraq and had us Canadians do the hardest part, Calm the people down and start to rebuild. 

I personally blam BUSH and is F___ing hench men (politicians and head of state) for all 27 Canadian soldiers deaths and he should have to compensate Canada and those soldiers families for what they caused.......

Then He should be made to go to New Orleans and personally help with the worst jobs for the re-build of the city (poor peoples districts) so he can realize how he treats his so called "FELLOW COUNTRYMEN"!!! If we had someone in power like this in our country I would be ready to rebel or disown my country for letting a clown like him or the MAyor of New Orleans control a cities or countries fate.....

"And that's all I have to say about that!!"

I like this guy :)

And, this is why I always say that we need to mend our own fences first before we go traipsing around, enforcing U.N. missions where the US has already been. It's happening in Afghanistan, it'll happen in Iraq soon enough and it'll happen in Lebanon (thanks to the little USA, Israel).

Clean up our own problems first and then help the rest of the world after you have enough of a foundation in your own country that allows you to do so. Putting yourself over $1 trillion in debt is NOT the correct mechanism for doing so.

One Year Ago Today - PIGEON1 - 08-30-2006

NOS2Go4Me,Aug 29 2006, 01:35 PM Wrote:
PIGEON1,Aug 29 2006, 12:45 PM Wrote:Thats the way of polotics and the way of most Americans that I have met. They are out for their interests and "who gives two ____ts about everyone else". I use the situation in Afgahnistan and Iraq as an example.

Started something in Afghanistan and went onto Iraq and had us Canadians do the hardest part, Calm the people down and start to rebuild. 

I personally blam BUSH and is F___ing hench men (politicians and head of state) for all 27 Canadian soldiers deaths and he should have to compensate Canada and those soldiers families for what they caused.......

Then He should be made to go to New Orleans and personally help with the worst jobs for the re-build of the city (poor peoples districts) so he can realize how he treats his so called "FELLOW COUNTRYMEN"!!! If we had someone in power like this in our country I would be ready to rebel or disown my country for letting a clown like him or the MAyor of New Orleans control a cities or countries fate.....

"And that's all I have to say about that!!"

I like this guy :)

And, this is why I always say that we need to mend our own fences first before we go traipsing around, enforcing U.N. missions where the US has already been. It's happening in Afghanistan, it'll happen in Iraq soon enough and it'll happen in Lebanon (thanks to the little USA, Israel).

Clean up our own problems first and then help the rest of the world after you have enough of a foundation in your own country that allows you to do so. Putting yourself over $1 trillion in debt is NOT the correct mechanism for doing so.

It is happening in Lebanon.....General Friggin Hillier and his so called wisdom in Military tactics has told the U.N. that Canada can meet their agreed mandate of troops for the upcoming Peacekeeping missions needed for that area......I think its something like 5000 soldiers (cmbt arms and support trades)

I would like to know where he thinks he's going to get them from!!!! We can barely keep up with all our world commitments along with the troops that just rotated in and out of Agghanistan.

We may be sinking another $500 000 into recruiting for the next 5 years but that doesn't guarentee that the people are going to come into the recruiting centers....unless we start conscription....I mean become more American.