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Bell To The Rescue! - darkpuppet - 08-29-2006

well, I posted before about how I had to edumacate the Rogers tech folks and how the CSRs were actually intelligent..... and let me tell ya... it was nothing compared to the battle I fought with Bell Sympatico the last few days.

As of Monday or tuesday of lastweek, I had my Rogers @home up and running brilliantly. The CSR listened to me, and despite the recommendations of the tech, got my roger's line up and running without having to send someone over... I had highspeed DSL and I had rogers VOIP.. life is good...

Until Friday...

I get home from my education on Friday, and lo-and-behold, there's a note from Bell that they had come to install my dry loop DSL... what??

I go inside.. sure enough... no DSL... FRIG!

So I call up tech dude.. he offers to reschedule for Monday morning. So this morning comes and goes.. I call up sympatico... spend 2 hours on the phone with the CSRs who transferred me around a few times then told me they were sending the stuff off for 'testing'...and they'll call me back in 10 minutes.

So 50 minutes later I call back, and they tell me that it'll be at least a day.. and then they'd have to send a tech out...which will take another day... Pardonay-moi?!

So I pull out my handy dandy screw driver under a hunch... if the original Bell guys who wired up my place got it backwards, but which made the homephone installation so troublefree...just maybe......

yup... the tech deactivated my primary circuit and put the dry loop on the secondary circuit that Rogers was now running on.. maroon! a little self-wire job later and I now have DSL... but no longer have Rogers running through my entire appartment (remind me to call bell back about that to get it fixed properly on their time). But I got my DSL running in under 3 days!! for now anyways...

and to check on some stuff, it looks like my DSL is throttled down to 1Mbps instead of the full 5 I'm entitled to... so I'm gonna give them a day and then start complaining again.

Just when I thought I had outsmarted these guys....

Bell To The Rescue! - NOS2Go4Me - 08-29-2006

Ouch... that's definitely no fun!

Uhm... cable feed anyone? :) :P

Never had a problem, really, except when the newb "wired" the new house and "tested" the line before he left :rolleyes:

Three days, two phonecalls and one apologetic manager later, we were up and running. With 1 1/2 months' credit. But... if all you have is Bell and Rogers primarily - yikes. :o

Bell To The Rescue! - habmann - 08-29-2006

darkpuppet,Aug 28 2006, 08:41 PM Wrote:well, I posted before about how I had to edumacate the Rogers tech folks and how the CSRs were actually intelligent..... and let me tell ya...  it was nothing compared to the battle I fought with Bell Sympatico the last few days.

As of Monday or tuesday of lastweek, I had my Rogers @home up and running brilliantly.  The CSR listened to me, and despite the recommendations of the tech, got my roger's line up and running without having to send someone over... I had highspeed DSL and I had rogers VOIP.. life is good...

Until Friday...

I get home from my education on Friday, and lo-and-behold, there's a note from Bell that they had come to install my dry loop DSL... what??

I go inside.. sure enough... no DSL... FRIG!

So I call up tech dude.. he offers to reschedule for Monday morning.  So this morning comes and goes.. I call up sympatico... spend 2 hours on the phone with the CSRs who transferred me around a few times then told me they were sending the stuff off for 'testing'...and they'll call me back in 10 minutes. 

So 50 minutes later I call back, and they tell me that it'll be at least a day.. and then they'd have to send a tech out...which will take another day...  Pardonay-moi?!

So I pull out my handy dandy screw driver under a hunch... if the original Bell guys who wired up my place got it backwards, but which made the homephone installation so troublefree...just maybe......

yup... the tech deactivated my primary circuit and put the dry loop on the secondary circuit that Rogers was now running on.. maroon!  a little self-wire job later and I now have DSL... but no longer have Rogers running through my entire appartment (remind me to call bell back about that to get it fixed properly on their time).  But I got my DSL running in under 3 days!! for now anyways...

and to check on some stuff, it looks like my DSL is throttled down to 1Mbps instead of the full 5 I'm entitled to... so I'm gonna give them a day and then start complaining again.

Just when I thought I had outsmarted these guys....

I had bell DSL for about 6 months. I ended up cancelling when my connection kept disconnecting. After fighting with various techs at bell, they finally told me that because of where i live relative to the main switching station in hamilton, i was using up 100% of my available bandwidth and anytime i got an interferrence on the line it would kick the line out. Their solution "either move your house closer to the main switching station or we can slow down your speed" Needless to say i wasn't happy, and promptly told them where to go with their internet, went back to mountain cable and haven't had a prob since.

Bell To The Rescue! - darkpuppet - 08-29-2006

I've been running sympatico flawlessly since it's introduction about 5 or 6 years ago.. in fact, it's about 1,000 times better than Rogers as the cable infrastructure is so friggin' old in this building, anytime someone ran a blender, the connection when to crap...

most of my friends with cable are amazed at how fast my DSL is compared to their cable.. especially during peak periods. I know that Cable 2.0 was supposed to address the shared bandwidth issue of cable modems, but not sure if it's widespread yet.

Not to mention the packet prioritizing and splitting that Rogers is starting to do to combat shared bandwidth hogs like torrents and whatnot.... sure you have 10mbit, but do you get to use all of it all the time? that's never been an issue with DSL.

Should I also mention that along with IP TV, Bell is also offering 16mbit fiber? Now that's ultra-highspeed...

Bell To The Rescue! - NOS2Go4Me - 08-29-2006

darkpuppet,Aug 28 2006, 09:00 PM Wrote:Not to mention the packet prioritizing and splitting that Rogers is starting to do to combat shared bandwidth hogs like torrents and whatnot.... sure you have 10mbit, but do you get to use all of it all the time?  that's never been an issue with DSL.

Should I also mention that along with IP TV, Bell is also offering 16mbit fiber?  Now that's ultra-highspeed...

Well bad copper POTS line or coax will never be overcome by superior tech so long as the supporting infrastructure sucks monkey nuts. We're at 10Mbit right now for Cogeco's standard cable ISP offering. It's more than I need, I suppose.

16Mbit FTTP? Hmm. A couple of months ago, I would have had need for that. Now? Not so much. It's cool that it's making it out there though.

Bell To The Rescue! - NefCanuck - 08-29-2006

darkpuppet,Aug 28 2006, 09:00 PM Wrote:Should I also mention that along with IP TV, Bell is also offering 16mbit fiber?  Now that's ultra-highspeed...

Hrm, I wonder if that's what they're nstalling in my building and why the delay? If Bell can offer me my DSL and HD cable tv signals I think I would be in nirvana (I'm a long time Sympatico user as well, since '99 )


Bell To The Rescue! - paolo - 08-29-2006

what a bunch of dufases.. most appartments and condos are now having their D-Slams installed in the basement wiring closet, like in my uncles condo, which is also wired for VDSL (ExpressView for Condos via vDSL) so you should get a top notch dsl sync and downstream speed. but what ever this numbnut did to re-wire your dsl, must have used some weird patch job that it actually is hurting your performance. I'd also call bell (nexia) to see if they played arround with your sync profile, bell is notorious for lowering it automatically..

P.S. Darkpuppet,. in your last post you said you have Rogers Home Phone which I'm assuming is the DPS using Docsis modems. and now you said you have Rogers VOIP? Rogers VOIP uses your EXISTING intternet connection to use a landline. they are 2 seperate services, which one is it you have??

Bell To The Rescue! - ANTHONYD - 08-29-2006

How's the car coming?


Bell To The Rescue! - darkpuppet - 08-29-2006

paolo,Aug 28 2006, 11:25 PM Wrote:what a bunch of dufases..  most appartments and condos are now having their D-Slams installed in the basement wiring closet,  like in my uncles condo, which is also wired for VDSL (ExpressView for Condos via vDSL)  so you should get a top notch dsl sync and downstream speed.  but what ever this numbnut did to re-wire your dsl, must have used some weird patch job that it actually is hurting your performance. I'd also call bell (nexia) to see if they played arround with your sync profile, bell is notorious for lowering it automatically..

P.S. Darkpuppet,. in your last post you said you have Rogers Home Phone which I'm assuming is the DPS using Docsis modems.  and now you said you have Rogers VOIP?  Rogers VOIP uses your EXISTING intternet connection to use a landline. they are 2 seperate services, which one is it you have??

it's Rogers Home phone which uses a Scientific Antlantic cable modem with 'built in MTX' and backup battery. That's why I assume that Rogers home phone is just thinly veiled VOIP...

p.s. as for sympatico... the DSL line itself is handled by a different system than the internet services... so I'm hoping it's just a batch job away from catching up...

Bell To The Rescue! - NOS2Go4Me - 08-30-2006

Why are they making it so damn convoluted? Wow. :blink:

I've just got a Linksys router / VoIP gateway with 2 RJ-11 jacks in it. Connect my cordless phone and done! VoIP service. Like I mentioned the other day, the QoS bandwidth reservation is adjustable even. It's a pretty slick setup :)