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Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - Printable Version

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Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - S2 - 08-15-2006

I seem to recall like years and years back there was a law in Manitoba that radar detectors were 'illegal'??

Is this true? I have a quick trip to Brandon planned for next Monday/Tuesday and wondering about this....


Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - Flofocus - 08-15-2006

Arent they illegal in most provinces?

Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - S2 - 08-15-2006

No not Sask, Alberta or BC, that I know of anyway...... DEFINITELY not Saskatchewan.

Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - Flofocus - 08-15-2006

hmmmm, I thought they were illegal in Alta. My father got pulled over on the way to Sylvain Lake for Bill Ranfords Goaltending school.....jeez, what happened to that guy anyway? :lol:

Anyway, my father got a ticket....that was when I was 13, so I wasnt paying attention, I know he had the detector on, but maybe the cop just gave him a ticket for speeding... :ph34r:

Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - S2 - 08-15-2006

I dunno, I had it up the whole way in Alberta this past week when I was out there vacationing.

Oh well, I don't speed my ass off but it's nice to know when the cops are 'coming' ahead......

I still seem to recall there being a law in Manitoba..... I did a quick google and didn't find anything.

Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - S2 - 08-15-2006

Found something about them being illegal in Manitoba and New Brunswick but when I clicked the link, the window opened quickly then closed. Not sure, wasn't some BS advertisement site either.....

Oh well........ guess my memory does work afterall......

Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - SVT ZX3 - 08-15-2006

Yes they used to be illegal here, I'm pretty sure they still are. Let me see what I can find for you.....

Aha! A local forum had this link....

Quote: It is illegal to take automobile radar detectors into Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, the Yukon or the Northwest Territories, regardless of whether they are used or not. Police there may confiscate radar detectors, operational or not, and impose substantial fines.

Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - 01-yellow-ZX3 - 08-15-2006

Yup, definitely illegal here in Manitoba.

S2 - interested in winter tires mounted on OEM wheels at all? I could meet up with you. Just a shot outta the blue.

Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - ZX5focused - 08-15-2006

01-yellow-ZX3,Aug 14 2006 Wrote:Yup, definitely illegal here in Manitoba.

S2 - interested in winter tires mounted on OEM wheels at all?  I could meet up with you.  Just a shot outta the blue.

he drives a volvo now

Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - 01-yellow-ZX3 - 08-15-2006

Lol, and I drive a Subaru. ie: need to get rid of these asap

Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - SVT ZX3 - 08-15-2006

BTW Evan, seen your old Focus in Kenora driving by Carfest a couple weekends ago (had MB plates on it).

Manitoba 'radar Detector' Laws? - 01-yellow-ZX3 - 08-15-2006

Yeah I've seen it in Kenora a few times now, weird coincedence.

I've even left a note on the windshield to call me, but no dice. I've got all the warranty papers still for the car.