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Ford To Offer White St In Japan - Printable Version

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Ford To Offer White St In Japan - darkpuppet - 07-27-2006

some days it sucks being in North America...

Quote:10-unit Focus ST White Edition for Japan

Posted Jul 26th 2006 3:33PM by Alex Nunez
Filed under: Japan, Hatchbacks, Ford
Focus ST

[Image: focusst_white_450.jpg]

Specialized, market-specific limited edition color and trim packages are popular in Japan, and Ford has just announced a very exclusive new addition to that segment: the Focus ST White.

Limited to 10 units, the Focus ST White (Japan's traditional racing color) can only be reserved on the web beginning August 1, 2006. If more than ten potential customers register (bet on it), names will be drawn to see who gets to pony up ¥3,200,000 ($27,000 USD) for one of the cars.

Mechanically, nothing differentiates it from any other Focus ST. It's still powered by the 2.5L turbocharged 5 cylinder and makes 225 horsepower.

Until recently, the ST had been available in Japan in just two colors: Electric Orange and Performance Blue. On July 13th, dealers in the country began sale of the Focus and Fiesta ST Black editions. All of these pale compared to the ST White, though. In it, Ford of Japan has achieved something quite remarkable: they have taken a standard issue car in a color that is readily available in other markets and made it into one of the most exotic vehicles to be found in Japan. Amazing.

If the Japanese car culture is as advanced and knowledgable as it seems, the White STs will turn heads wherever they go. You may find this color package underwhelming, but in Japan, these cars will be scarcer than the new Cornes Ferrari.

Focus ST White:
[Image: focus_st_white_web.jpg]

The Other New Japanese STs:

Focus ST Black:
[Image: focusstblack_exterior.jpg]
[Image: focusstblack_interior.jpg]

Ford To Offer White St In Japan - SVT ZX3 - 07-27-2006

Well they certainly know how to create demand, but only 10? You would think maybe a reasonable number like 100. 10 doesn't even seem worth it.

*Peter Griffen voice*

You know what really grinds my gears....You Ford of North America, FACK YOU!

Ford To Offer White St In Japan - Frost__2001 - 07-27-2006

No suprise really, but I'm suprised they didn't include the White onto the seats as well.

Ford To Offer White St In Japan - Focus man. Focus. - 07-27-2006

Frost__2001,Jul 26 2006, 06:04 PM Wrote:No suprise really, but I'm suprised they didn't include the White onto the seats as well.

Soy sauce stains, thats why.

Ford To Offer White St In Japan - NOS2Go4Me - 07-27-2006

So lemme see... Brits get hawt ST, lil Japs get hawt ST, Canadians and Americans get to pin pictures to their lockers. Not right.

Ford To Offer White St In Japan - microbunny - 07-27-2006

NOS2Go4Me,Jul 26 2006, 08:47 PM Wrote:So lemme see... Brits get hawt ST, lil Japs get hawt ST, Canadians and Americans get to pin pictures to their lockers. Not right.

uhh..I like the focus and all but I sure as hell dont put up pictures of it..


Ford To Offer White St In Japan - OAC_Sparky - 07-27-2006

microbunny,Jul 26 2006, 09:06 PM Wrote:uhh..I like the focus and all but I sure as hell dont put up pictures of it..

Well, seeing that you'd have to take down your Village People poster to make room first, I guess not.

.....:lol:.....Just razzin' ya Bunny.

Ford To Offer White St In Japan - NOS2Go4Me - 07-27-2006

OAC_Sparky,Jul 27 2006, 01:08 AM Wrote:
microbunny,Jul 26 2006, 09:06 PM Wrote:uhh..I like the focus and all but I sure as hell dont put up pictures of it..

Well, seeing that you'd have to take down your Village People poster to make room first, I guess not.

:rofl: :rofl:

Ford To Offer White St In Japan - scoobasteve - 07-28-2006

OAC_Sparky,Jul 27 2006, 01:08 AM Wrote:
microbunny,Jul 26 2006, 09:06 PM Wrote:uhh..I like the focus and all but I sure as hell dont put up pictures of it..

Well, seeing that you'd have to take down your Village People poster to make room first, I guess not.

.....:lol:.....Just razzin' ya Bunny.
