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Jebus People Are Stupid.. - Printable Version

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Jebus People Are Stupid.. - torradan - 07-14-2006

... well maybe..

a little ranting incoming

So I answer this call... with my normal greeting.

Now pay attention..

me: "thank you for calling Localnet Technical Support, my name is Todd, and may I have your username or previous ticket number please"

response: "are you one of those F*cking people in new york?"

me: "umm.. yes"

response: "why the f*ck isn't my cable working, I can't get channel 22!"

me: "i'm sorry, but this is localnet, we don't offer cable service, we're a dialup internet company""

response: "don't give me that bullsh*t, f*ckin fix my problem."

(at this point i'm losing it, but trying to string this ahole along)

me: "jump up and down next to your tv and see if that works"


me: "now give it 10 minutes to reset, and call Time-Warner and tell them the results"

.. .and i hang up on him.

Jebus People Are Stupid.. - NikiterZTS - 07-14-2006

torradan,Jul 13 2006, 11:00 AM Wrote:... well maybe..

a little ranting incoming

So I answer this call... with my normal greeting.

Now pay attention..

me: "thank you for calling Localnet Technical Support, my name is Todd, and may I have your username or previous ticket number please"

response:  "are you one of those F*cking people in new york?"

me: "umm.. yes"

response: "why the f*ck isn't my cable working, I can't get channel 22!"

me: "i'm sorry, but this is localnet, we don't offer cable service, we're a dialup internet company""

response:  "don't give me that bullsh*t, f*ckin fix my problem."

(at this point i'm losing it, but trying to string this ahole along)

me: "jump up and down next to your tv and see if that works"


me: "now give it 10 minutes to reset, and call Time-Warner and tell them the results"

.. .and i hang up on him.

u was me calling!!!!



Jebus People Are Stupid.. - scoobasteve - 07-14-2006

Nicely done... hahahaha

Jebus People Are Stupid.. - Oscar The Grouch - 07-14-2006

Well played Mr. Bond. Well played... <_<

Jebus People Are Stupid.. - Frost__2001 - 07-14-2006

Lmao good one................. :lol:

Jebus People Are Stupid.. - NefCanuck - 07-14-2006

I like it! There are times when I wish I could pull stunts like that but sadly I have to grin and bear it (Including getting racial slurs hurled at myself and a colleague today because we wouldn't do more than give summary advice to an @$$clown that didn't even LIVE in Mississauga)


Jebus People Are Stupid.. - SVT ZX3 - 07-14-2006

MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!1!!!!!! I wish I could do that to some of the idiots that call me...

Jebus People Are Stupid.. - NOS2Go4Me - 07-14-2006

You'd love some of the guys I support.

"My Internet Outlook won't connect to the server" - no idea what he means at this point, we use Exchange directly over 3 physical locations via VLAN. Then,
"I try to get to (external mail server address) and it says it can't connect... my Outlook's broken." - he means OWA via Internet Explorer at this point.

Me - "Try (internal URL to OWA)."

Him - "You guys must have just fixed the server, it works!" :rolleyes:

All-time favourite - "My computer just asked me if I was bored! I tried to say No and when I couldn't figure out how, I called you" - remote consoled into a desktop, Netsend to self :rofl:

Bell Enterprise tales: "1.5MBbps is enough for either direction. voice and data". - initial rollout of VLAN project. - referral to the recommendation of a single T1 per site to handle 15-25 users' voice and data traffic. Shyeahh, right.

6 months later, massive diagnostics, LAN surveys, packet capturing and the like - "We may have a bandwidth issue, but let's try some alternative measures."

Another YEAR of crappy connectivity, corrupted packets and data / files, inability to manage remote nodes and really crappy voice quality - "We've exhausted all of our options, let's do a connection infrastructure upgrade to 10Mbps FD fibre optic." :rolleyes: - I had been saying that since the first 1-2 months into the rollout , especially after seeing the cost to upgrade to 10Mbps fibre was slightly more than 2 x T1s.

I still don't know if we got soaked for the initial rollout or if Bell ate some/all of the cost. I won't for fear of triggering an angry outburst or a heart attack.

S'funny, ever since we did the 10Mbps feed and 100Mbps "dark fibre" interconnect between shops... no real glitches. Nada. Hmmm, I wonder who said that quite some time ago!