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Update On My Car - Burnin21 - 07-05-2006

I got my car back on Friday so I thought I'd give you guys a little update. If you guys forget or don't know what happened in the first place check this thread.
So the grand total came to $1328.34 for a new clutch installed with a few new parts like a bearing, speed sensor, and differential (thanks Hardkore for that).
Now for the best part about the entire story. My car is STILL making the noise I brought it in for. Actually its worse. So what does it end up being? The CV shafts. Nice. Real nice.

So for now I am not driving my car until I can afford new CV shafts. I don't feel like burning up another differential, its not worth it. So it leaves me in question now, did Ford know it was the CV shafts and just proceded to yank the tranny out of my car to turn around and make a quick buck off of me? Or did their so called "Ford Techs" actually make a mistake? What do you guys think?

~ Matt

Update On My Car - Flofocus - 07-05-2006

No offence but you must really like getting bent over. <_<

Thats just ridiculous, I'd be making an appointment with the Dealer manager ASAP. Why would you pay for their mistake?

Update On My Car - Burnin21 - 07-05-2006

That $1300 I paid was to my cousin for fixing the crap Ford messed up. Ford didn't do the clutch install and what not. They just tore it apart.

Update On My Car - ZX5focused - 07-05-2006

Burnin21,Jul 4 2006, 01:48 PM Wrote:That $1300 I paid was to my cousin for fixing the crap Ford messed up. Ford didn't do the clutch install and what not. They just tore it apart.
i think what hes trying to say is, why did ford rip apart your tranny when it was the CV shafts.

Update On My Car - Burnin21 - 07-05-2006

I don't know, thats what I'm asking. I just find it weird because they ALWAYS use to call before they even touched my car and then all of a sudden I get no phone call, no nothing, until they want to charge me $$.

Update On My Car - Flofocus - 07-05-2006

ZX5focused,Jul 4 2006, 02:13 PM Wrote:
Burnin21,Jul 4 2006, 01:48 PM Wrote:That $1300 I paid was to my cousin for fixing the crap Ford messed up. Ford didn't do the clutch install and what not. They just tore it apart.
i think what hes trying to say is, why did ford rip apart your tranny when it was the CV shafts.

Exactly, this isnt a small mistake. Its one thats costing you a LOT of money.

Update On My Car - Burnin21 - 07-05-2006

Yes I understand It's costing me alot of $$$ but I'm pretty sure that Ford's just going to tell me to F' off when I bring it to their attention that it was never the tranny in the first place.

Update On My Car - Drivesthebeast - 07-05-2006

Speak to the BBB and maybe an attourney if the service manager doesn't want to work something out with you....

Update On My Car - naz - 07-05-2006

that sucks man. time to talk to the service manager or the owner, sorry dude!

Update On My Car - Burnin21 - 07-05-2006

Ok that I will do then. I figured thats the route I should take! Thanks guys!

Update On My Car - euro_zx5 - 07-05-2006

Best of luck with that eh. Hopefully they don't screw you around further...

Update On My Car - ZX3TUNING - 07-07-2006

i hate to say it but a lawyer is not an option. it would cost you more for the lawyer than it would to eat the cost of the repairs...

as for the BBB, lol. good luck with that. that might only work if they were a member of the BBB and even then, it means nothing in the grand scheme of things.

you best bet is just to back and sort it out with the service manager AFTER you call the ford service hotline or whatever you guys have out there and file a complaint. bitch the hell out of them and make a big scene if needed. try and do it when there is a packed waiting room, they will do their best to resolve the issue to keep the other customers as customers.... usually. :)
if they give you crap and give you the "too bad, so sad! not our problem" responce, make sure you make if fully apparent to everyone in that waiting room how this dealer screwed you over and that they should seriously think about taking theri business to another shop or another dealer unless they want to have a similar issue.

i hate to say it but what they did is bulls***.
even if it was the tranny and it did have to come out, they still should have called you first!