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Sooooooo Busted - ANTHONYD - 06-29-2006


Sooooooo Busted - Aka - 06-30-2006

Wow... what a defence.

Sooooooo Busted - euro_zx5 - 06-30-2006

What a sicko... glad to see they catch some of them.

Sooooooo Busted - jen_deans - 06-30-2006

What a sicko, I saw the whole series on dateline, they should all be shot and pissed on!!

Nice search btw-

Sooooooo Busted - Flofocus - 06-30-2006

what really bothers me is the age of these guys...I mean 24, 26 years old....hitting on 13 year olds...are you ALREADy that desperate or just sick in the head!?!?!

Then again, the one that murdered Jennifer Teag was also just 24 years young. :blink:

Sooooooo Busted - S2 - 06-30-2006

I actually seen that show on TV, whatever that news special was, something like an hour or two of this 'internet predators' thing. There were people more pathetic then that on the show.......

Sooooooo Busted - torradan - 06-30-2006

wow..that was one hell of a defense he gave... i should try that sometime, if I can bring it into context for when I do something stupid.

He definately needs to be locked up, and his cellmate is named Bubba, who likes little white boys..

Sooooooo Busted - dabigmandan - 06-30-2006

Here's another... this guy might be worse.

Sooooooo Busted - darkpuppet - 06-30-2006

S2,Jun 29 2006, 11:52 AM Wrote:I actually seen that show on TV, whatever that news special was, something like an hour or two of this 'internet predators' thing.  There were people more pathetic then that on the show.......

no doubt... I saw the one where the husband brought his kid to meet some other little boy.

sick f***s

Sooooooo Busted - torradan - 06-30-2006

this stuff is so twisted...

and in that last video... that guy was totally oblivious, and just stuffing his face when an adult walked out.. just like... DURRRR! wow.

You'd think he woulda been on his feet running for the door or something.

Sooooooo Busted - focusracer - 06-30-2006

Pieces of s*** like that need some severe punishment, my nickname's been Bubba since the beginning of my time, and I'd like to have 5 minutes with these wastes of skin, just me and my friend the hickory stick, first name Louisville, last name Slugger, I'd use my hands but I'd be somewhat concerned about what I'd catch off the bastards. When I was finished with him, lock him for a while, and forget about the seregation unit, general population is what I'm talking, and let the elements take care of the problem, might make others think twice about it and seek some help. Sorry if this is a little strong but it's complete bs that somebody got a slap on the wrist (credit for time served{6months} while awaiting trial) for what he did to myself and 4 other 5-8 yr olds in my hood when I was a kid. At least that mofo got his, found out 2yrs ago he died of aids, R.I.T. (Rest In Torment) Motherf***er.